Listed on "craigslist" is an add for a "98 honda civic, 130k, $3,300" Not exactly written like that, add offers that he is only owner and has service records. I emailed the man on the car since it is listed in Oklahoma City, asked him could we arrange a meeting. This is a brief reply of what he said "The car is in good condition and nothing is wrong to his knowledge, and he gave me the vin number. He is in Finland he was called back from army reserves for peace maintence says he bought land and decided to work there so moved his family there and will take too long to register the vehicle there so is selling back in the us, I offered him $2,500 he immediately accepted stating that it would be shipped to my door within 3 days from the us air military and that we would do the transaction through ebays vehicle purchase-ebay will then hold the funds for 10 days while i put the car in my name and after that is done will release the funds to him.
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Buying & Selling