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All categories - 14 October 2006

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A little old lady goes to the doctor and says, "I can’t stop passing gas. Luckily, my farts don’t smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, I’ve farted twice since I’ve been here in your office, but you didn’t even notice."

"I can help you," says the doc. "Take these pills and come back next week."

The next week, the lady returns. "Doctor," she says, "I don’t know what you gave me, but now my farts reek."

The doctor says, "Good, we fixed your sinuses! Now let’s work on your hearing."

2006-10-14 05:39:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

She acted like she was dying.Is there another suggestion for taking her outside so she can get some freshair?Considering she has been outdoors all of her life she has done ok.

2006-10-14 05:39:38 · 8 answers · asked by Believer 2 in Cats

Just wondering how many people are aware of mystery shoppers, and if anyone is one.

2006-10-14 05:39:33 · 8 answers · asked by Janay C 1 in Careers & Employment

I need to know how to make it last longer.

2006-10-14 05:39:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

stupidest question that you had removed from Yahoo! Answers?

I just had:

How tall are you?


please answer both if you would like to.

2006-10-14 05:39:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

We went out on our little dinner date the other night and people kept staring at us. I'm black and he's white. I expected a few stares but i was really uncomfortable. Will it always be like this?

2006-10-14 05:39:15 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i am trying to find the hotest sexsyest guy in the usa any tips? pleas be famus! thanks all the ones i like ill give you a thumbs up ok!

2006-10-14 05:39:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

I can only see text fonts when I left click at the top of the page an scroll down. I have done some things trying to fix my problem, and I tried Yahoo Beta, for about 6 hrs.(didn't like it)so... basically by now I don't remember all I've done.
The headers or catagory such as in the top left corner (YAHOO!MY YAHOO! MAIL)or..when I open mail the headers, such as subject appear, but no names as to who it's from, and when I open it's the same.

I hope someone can help me from this, yet another,


2006-10-14 05:39:12 · 2 answers · asked by laughing_is_easy 2 in Programming & Design

Dear God,
Thank you for allowing me to go through 18 surgeries, and be in the hosp[ital, 365 days before I was 11. I got to understand the will to live, of the sick.
Thank you for allowing my aunt to die. Without that pain, I wouldn't have understood others pain when they missed someone they loved. I would have never goten to meet the child rape-victim runaways, and learned how to listen to their cries. Would have never learned how they hurt, why they felt you weren't there, when all they had to do was call out to You. Thank you God. I learned what my flesh was, what it is to be human, to cry, and the pain Jesus felt when Lazarus died, and when He was hanging almost bloodless, on the cross. Thank you God, I got to feel someone's pain when his son committed suicide. I know now what rebellion of a son does to a father's heart. As much as I have hurt in the past Lord, I know you are there. You have shown me GREAT and MIGHTY things I know not!!

2006-10-14 05:39:09 · 6 answers · asked by thewordofgodisjesus 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I was waiting to get my bike from parking lot. Suddenly one guy came to me and started beating over my head with a helmet. He said that i have done something bad to his wife. I didn't know anything. I couldn't handle that situation. A big crowd was there surrounding me. I was badly injured. Now its six months after this incident. I could understand that he was mistaken. I never went to court. I just asked him to share some money that i already spent at hospital. But he was very cruel and he also told that he will go to court against me if i ask for compensation and he will register a fake complaint against me. There are no witness in this case. So there is no use for me by going to court. I wants to forgive him but sometimes i really get the thought of taking revenge. I have his address. What should I do?

2006-10-14 05:39:08 · 14 answers · asked by Jeo 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

people this is hard

2006-10-14 05:39:06 · 4 answers · asked by Prem P 2 in Music

...because people say, "I can't think of any other way." How did we get here? "I can't think of any other way...God did it." Why do things happen? "I can't think of any other way...God did it"

How do you rationalize coming to a conclusion without investigation?

Intelligent answers only please

2006-10-14 05:38:56 · 9 answers · asked by DougDoug_ 6 in Religion & Spirituality

ok i know its illegal,but the company should be blamed for it.i came to know that we will be caught and nobody knows what will hapen next.plz tell me what will happen and whats the risks.what can i do.

2006-10-14 05:38:53 · 3 answers · asked by death_imprisoned_life_vanished 2 in Music

I think my home remodel subcontractor is using an inferior grade of plywood for the subflooring. How can I judge the quality? It seems to be thin and has missing pieces.

2006-10-14 05:38:51 · 4 answers · asked by onionheadinvancouver 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

If known, please add how the pitch is controlled.

2006-10-14 05:38:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

For me, it's the promise of a new day.

2006-10-14 05:38:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2006-10-14 05:38:39 · 20 answers · asked by LAUGHING MAGPIE 6 in Cooking & Recipes

I don't really wear my hair in a pony tail 24/7....I take it down at nite
but I;m sssoooo adicted to wearing it in a ponytail that I haven't done any other style in three years!!
Please,please don't awnser don't awnser unless you know what makes me adicted to wearing my hair in a ponytail

2006-10-14 05:38:29 · 5 answers · asked by AshAsh 1 in Hair

2006-10-14 05:38:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in English Football

2006-10-14 05:38:26 · 8 answers · asked by Cubanitachris 1 in Primary & Secondary Education

what do I say? how do I say it?

2006-10-14 05:38:17 · 6 answers · asked by catchup 3 in Singles & Dating

I rarely use ebay so I'm hoping someone can help here. I just won an item and paid for it right after the timer hit zero yesterday. Today, I received an e-mail from the seller saying that my payment is "frozen" in his account and is asking me to cancel it (I don't have a clue how to though). According him, he e-mailed paypal 3 days ago on the freezing matter and they haven't gotten back to him about it. He sent me another invoice with the insurance added on, which I didn't want in the first place. I asked him to remove it, but he told me that insurance must be paid for if I'm using a "credit card." Now both the paypal freeze and the added insurance just sent up red flags in my head. How is this possible when I can ask for no insurance in begin with? Is this normal or am I right being a little paranoid about this seller right now?

2006-10-14 05:38:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Internet

I was diagnosed with High risk cervical dysplasia (CIN III) a step away from cervical cancer. after my biopsy a leep procedure was done, to get reed of all the bad cells, after the tissue was examined in lab, test returned negative for dysplasia, Which is Great!! BUT

I really want to get Pregnant again, and doctor recommended not to do so,,, or at least wait for 2 more years and after that he even suggested taking my uterus out, which doesn't make any sence to me.... if test is negative, and I'm suppose to be free of dysplasia, why shouldn't I get pregnant, and even worst get my uterus taken out???

I'm really depressed, I only have one child, we were planning for at least 2, I'm 33 already, and it worries me that if I get pregnant at all, I can be putting my self and the baby in danger.

Any one that has gone through the same, that can give me some insight,

Please help!!

2006-10-14 05:38:07 · 11 answers · asked by Cecy 2 in Women's Health

What the hell ever happened to our freedoms? our country?
When America was first formed it was formed on the laws of God, now you can't even say his name in a public school but it can still be on the dollar bill? nowadays if you decide to praise the country and it's president then everythings ok, if you say you hate the president, or in a fit of anger say that you just wished he would die, you're labeled a terroist if heard by the wrong people and next thing you know you have the police or even the secret service at your door. ( not joking this really happens) It seems that all the things we take for granted are being stripped away and replace with gag's and chains..... So where are our freedoms?

2006-10-14 05:38:04 · 6 answers · asked by Princess 2 in Other - Society & Culture

fedest.com, questions and answers