Okay, I have serious - serious trust issues with guys. My best guy-friend is going through a divorce. We talked about seeing each other (even having sex in a brief caught-up-in-the-moment and needing affection deal), but backed off for a little while because we were moving fast and he was feeling guilty that he is not really over her yet (she left him).
We have a very open friendship. If something is bothering one of us, we tell the other. (Like if something he has said has hurt my feelings, I tell him.)
We have talked on the phone, IM & text but haven't seen each other in a month due to hectic schedules. He now says he only likes me as a friend. I guess his feelings might have faded.
But, I have never been in a friend/relationship where I can be open and honest about what I am feeling at the time without starting a fight or someone jumping to defense.
So, my question is, does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop from actually falling for him? Because he says he doesn't like me that way and just wants to be friends.
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