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社會與文化 - 十一月 2005

[Selected]: 所有分類 社會與文化

其他:社會與文化 · 宗教信仰與靈性 · 文化及團體 · 皇室 · 社區服務 · 神話與民間傳說 · 禮儀 · 節慶 · 語言


2005-11-26 13:25:12 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 神話與民間傳說


2005-11-26 13:22:00 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 神話與民間傳說

4.Paleontology, which is closedly related to the study of evolution,
is a discipline that examines life __it existed in past geological time.

d and


2005-11-26 13:01:53 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 3 in 語言


2005-11-26 12:31:43 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Hope 2 in 神話與民間傳說


2005-11-26 12:22:21 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 宗教信仰與靈性


2005-11-26 11:33:58 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 語言




2005-11-26 10:50:56 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 其他:社會與文化

Many individuals with upper motor neuron disease develop spasticity in the limbs. The spasticity is defined by hyperactivity of the stretch reflex, manifested as a velocity-dependent increase in tonic and phasic stretch reflex. The spinal neural me chanisms include both post and presynaptic inhibition of Iaexcitory effects may also contribute to the spasticity. In rehabilitation settings, severe spasticity often interferes the motor function recovery and the improvement of fuctional outcome.
SWD and PSWD are applied clinically to soft tissue healing,resolution of hematomas, back and neck pain and muscle spasm relieving. SWD is mainly used to treat musculoskeletal disease. A previous study demonstrated the protein denaturing effects of shortwave irradiation damaging nerves roots similar to neurotomy or rhizotomy. In the present case, we found the therapeutic effect or SWD improving the motor and functional performance in a patient with intractable spasticity due to SCI.

2005-11-26 10:48:48 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 語言

我聽我媽媽講到 她以前有拿掉過兩個小孩
一個是因為那時她尚未和我爸爸結婚 又因為外婆觀念保守
怕被她知道不得已才拿掉 另一個則是一因為家中經濟不好 所以才拿掉
想請問各位 常聽別人在爭論嬰靈的有無 1.到底嬰靈這樣的靈體是否存在呢?
又我本身有在念佛 2.如果想要唸經迴向給他們 該念什麼樣的經才好呢?
3.請提供網路上免費的嬰靈網站 因為我之前有看到說網路上的嬰靈廟
還可以帶他去玩 去買東西等等的...

2005-11-26 09:49:06 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 凱君 2 in 禮儀

有誰知道嗎 ?? 是哪一間廟 在哪??

2005-11-26 09:23:43 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 宗教信仰與靈性


2005-11-26 09:21:15 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 lilyoct16 7 in 禮儀


2005-11-26 09:14:07 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 lilyoct16 7 in 語言


2005-11-26 08:58:08 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 lilyoct16 7 in 其他民俗與地方節慶


2005-11-26 08:52:42 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 lilyoct16 7 in 其他民俗與地方節慶


2005-11-26 08:45:00 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 lilyoct16 7 in 其他民俗與地方節慶


2005-11-26 08:18:23 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 lilyoct16 7 in 宗教信仰與靈性

"You can take the teacher out of the classroom, but you can't take the classroom out of the teacher."這句是什麼意思呢??

2005-11-26 07:24:46 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 語言

上課第一天 老師常常會提到遲到一事

[遲到是不被允許的 我會將課堂的大門在上課五分鐘後鎖上]

2005-11-26 07:00:16 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 yuvius1030 7 in 語言

之前問現在完成式,結果有人回答到過去完成式了。可是他回答的我看不太懂= =可以請好心人幫忙一下嗎??

2005-11-26 06:56:52 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 呆妹妹 7 in 語言

The majority of cells in our bodies must constantly receive signals that keep them alive and functioning. All organisms also have signaling systems that warn of the presence of pathogens, leading to a protective response.

2005-11-26 06:50:07 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 yuvius1030 7 in 語言

Living organisms constantly receive and interpret signals from their environment. Signals can come in the form of light, heat, water, odors, touch, or sound. Cells of multi-cellular organisms also receive signals from other cells, including signals for cell division and differentiation.

2005-11-26 06:49:49 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 yuvius1030 7 in 語言


2005-11-26 06:33:51 · 14 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 宗教信仰與靈性

User Comments:0 out of 1 people found the following comment useful:-Substance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 27 May 2005
Author: sexy_pisces_gal from United KingdomWhen Emma Harte leaves Fairly Hall she is 16, single, and pregnant. With determination hard work and resilience that was to become her trademark Emma becomes one of the worldÂ's richest women. From the streets of Knightsbridge, London to the bustling city of New York Harte Enterprises becomes the toast of the world.When Emma Harte has to leaves Fairly Hall after her passionate affair with her mastersÂ' son (Peter Chelsom) she is pregnant and alone. Escaping to town of Leeds to be with her friend Blackie OÂ'Neill (Liam Neeson) Emma quickly finds her feet and dominates the market. Driven by revenge to avenge herself by her betrayal at the hands of the Fairleys, Emma succeeds in ruining their lives and money and securing incalcuble wealth for herself. Marriage to Joe Lowther (John Duttine) brings her a son Kit, although she is widowed most tragically during the war. Two further children Robin and Elizabeth result in her second marriage to the charming womaniser Arthur Ainsley (Christopher Gable). She finally finds true love with Major Paul McGill (Barry Bostwick) the man that was dominate her life and overthrow her mistrust in men, resulting in the birth of her last child Daisy. This story charts EmmaÂ's rise from lowly kitchen maid to multi millionairess. Fighting off opposition from her sworn enemy, Gerald Fairly, older brother of Edwin Fairly, father to her illegitimate child Edwina. To her final act of vengeance, against the very people she loved whole-heartedly. 他大概誇了這部電影什麼?可以提示1下嗎?

2005-11-26 06:22:43 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 語言


2005-11-26 06:01:55 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 知恩 7 in 宗教信仰與靈性

可是我找不到第幾世 可以麻煩告訴我嗎?(知道的)

2005-11-26 05:53:45 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 宗教信仰與靈性


More people jammed the stores early, according to initial reports, and more than a few testy shoppers scuffled in a rush to grab bargains, from notebook computers to cashmere sweaters.

2005-11-26 05:35:57 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 yuvius1030 7 in 語言


奇怪! 怎麼今天 BBS 板上沒有朋友留言給我?

2005-11-26 05:20:16 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 yuvius1030 7 in 語言

A classic of Mexican cinema, LA MALQUERIDA stars legendary actors Dolores Del Rio and Pedro Armendariz and was directed by important director Emilio Fernandez. Del Rio stars as Raimunda, whose daughter Acacia hates her stepfather Esteban. Acacia spies a way out of her suffocating home life by accepting the marriage proposal of a local man despite not loving him. Esteban, however, has become obsessed with Acacia and plots to murder her fiancé. When the personal feelings of the various characters slowly emerge, both mother and daughter must contend with them while trying to keep the family together. LA MALQUERIDA is a classic Mexican melodrama. 大概劇情

2005-11-26 05:08:02 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 語言



(*** 對不起 字數又不夠了 ***)

2005-11-26 05:04:37 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 yuvius1030 7 in 語言


這鞋子好可愛 哪裡買的?

(*** 字數不夠 ***)

2005-11-26 03:43:51 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 yuvius1030 7 in 語言

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