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Other - Society & Culture - 6 February 2007

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okay just want to talk now when they do blacks jokes it's kinda funny, but then I start thinking is it cool? should I laugh about my people?(i'm black) though some of it is ture. I think it's okay if you joke on all races like carlos menica and dave chapelle. tell me what you think?

2007-02-06 14:39:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

we are equal damnit! b)tches please stop this is crazy thinking your superior! women and man are equal women answer!!!!!!! im tierd of your sturbbroness as-a-matter of fact yopur more stubbron than the men!! argfh!

2007-02-06 14:38:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-06 14:37:50 · 12 answers · asked by I'm Sparticus 4

I would like to know what life is like for the rich and what life is like for the middle class. A lot of people say that eventhough some people have a lot of money it doesn't mean they are necessarily happy. So, what do you think? Is money everything?

2007-02-06 14:33:33 · 2 answers · asked by ~ ♥ ~ 2

I heard she was wearing a diaper the whole non-stop 900 mile trip from Texas to Florida.

2007-02-06 14:29:11 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Adolf Hitler
Osama Bin Laden
Saddam Hussein
Kim Jong Il
Mao Tse Tung
Francisco Franco Bahamonde
Fidel Castro
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini
Joseph Vissarionovitch Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin)

2007-02-06 14:27:44 · 26 answers · asked by xinnybuxlrie 5

2007-02-06 14:27:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to understand this. Comedy makes us laugh and that's why we enjoy it. So why do some people dislike it, even hate it?

2007-02-06 14:26:58 · 6 answers · asked by Don 2

I don't want to be alive anymore. Ive been on meds (dont work) off meds (dont work) I give up. I think I should end it. I'm an organ donor. 8 people can live off my parts. I'd rather 8 happy people live, then me. I'm a healthy 19 year old girl and I could help alot of people (who want to be helped) unlike me. Opinions?

2007-02-06 14:15:21 · 6 answers · asked by Abby M 1

I mean if a person beats (Prince for example) into naming his/her Myspace page like myspace.com/prince, does that person get notified? if the famous person wants the url name? or does the person just get payed or something like that so that the famous person can get it his unique Myspace url name, or maybe the famous person requests a site in the Myspace admin/tom to change that person's url name.

And (for example) I made my Myspace page name like myspace.com/bush is it illegal? obviously its taken but what if someone pretends to be that person?

hmm, thanks!

2007-02-06 14:14:42 · 2 answers · asked by wyan rogero 1

2007-02-06 14:03:02 · 6 answers · asked by Olley 1

i found a luxury aprtment complex i plan to lease but when i checked its ratings, many said the apt was filled with ppl over 45, 55. Are there any security issues? Is there something i am missing?

2007-02-06 14:03:00 · 2 answers · asked by saint 1

How many Americans ? How many British?
How many others?
Any South Africans or Australians?

2007-02-06 13:57:13 · 19 answers · asked by Peter N 1

2007-02-06 13:53:56 · 7 answers · asked by I'm Sparticus 4

Even if the topic is not food. I've seen some vegetarians that get so angry when they see meat eaters enjoying some nice steak. Or when we wear animal products.

So, can they be real friends when a fundamental part of our lives ( eating)is something we cannot share and do not agree with.

2007-02-06 13:50:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

they seem so religious and dont seem interested like that when I talk to them, it is strange.
I actually think many are quite beautiful and interesting.

2007-02-06 13:48:04 · 11 answers · asked by Peter N 1

Many of these idol winners , after they win and after having performed good songs in the show, are thrown into the POP IDOL phenonmenon that has already given us Bad/plastic music.

Instead of being individuals, they are commercialized and become another Poppy idol that MTV can use for music videos. The quality of the music keeps sucking but what i see is that, many of the singers if it was up to them, they would be original choosing good songs, but the stupid Music Industry people create an image of them and make them sing music that is generally somethng that MTV plays.

Like that kelly clarkson...She was made into a punk kind of poppy idol , she's in mtv..Instead of singing nice music, she's giving us more MTV material. Recently also, that other idol winner(black girl who is a mother) appeared in a MTV music video dressed like a hooker. What the...?

Why is it, the show (AM Idol)has them singing good songs in the show,, but the when they become performers, they sing plastic?

2007-02-06 13:43:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone help me understand American Slang?
My name is Vijay and I am 33 years old just came from Mumbai, India. I live in Miami and went to a clothing optional beach last weekend. While I was lying on my back naked on my beach towel, two pretty blonde american white girls walked by in bikinis and smiled at me and looked down at my groin and then waved their pinky finger at me? What is this mean? What are they saying? I am curious

2007-02-06 13:39:58 · 4 answers · asked by don 1

I'm referring to opinion questions ...

Do you ever feel that you honestly make a point through any of your answers? Or do people already have their mind made up on just about every given issue and we're giving ourselves carpal tunnel syndrome for nothing?

For example -- when people ask questions like "Is there a God?" Obviously, they already have some opinion on the subject. If they do believe, they'll choose a best answer from a fellow believer. If they don't, they'll choose one from someone who backs up the same way of thinking.

Do we ever give anyone something to think about, or are we all so wrapped up in our own ideas that we don't give the opinions of others a chance?

2007-02-06 13:33:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-06 13:28:04 · 6 answers · asked by jdnmsedsacrasac1 4

like since you are so prous of your hatred and what you beleive in, you should take it off and show your faces! you people need to get balls, why hide behind those shits? tell me!
oh this is a side story--> this guy in my university, well he use to preach white power this and white power that. well i ahvent seen him for a while and asked for him! lol, the guy found out that his great great grandfather married a black woman and now he realized he's also black! lmao!
back to my question tho, why do u have sheets on your faces?

2007-02-06 13:21:39 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to know if anybody else drinks that much wine?
It is not like beer, where it makes you feel bloated or gives you a nasty hangover.
It actually makes me feel much better the next day.

2007-02-06 13:07:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

but maybe there is something else that i am missing that validates the apparent stupidness. help me please.

2007-02-06 12:55:54 · 7 answers · asked by sean_mchugh6 3

2007-02-06 12:52:07 · 22 answers · asked by monkey kyle 2

Im totally against sexual predators and especially when young children are involved but i cant help to notice this dateline show is a form of entrapment.anybody else feel this way?

2007-02-06 12:50:43 · 10 answers · asked by Prostidude 2

i work in the construction feeld,and it seems like alot of people i meet use marajauna, plumbers, carpenters, landscapers, etc.... alot of tham are very good at what they do,some i feel like it has a effect on them, but its a real battle to keep people when drug test day comes around. i have lost some very good employee to posative drug test. does any one else have this same problem ? what can we do about it ?

2007-02-06 12:49:59 · 6 answers · asked by devil weed 1

it's the coolest thing!

2007-02-06 12:47:46 · 7 answers · asked by Björn 1

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