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I'm referring to opinion questions ...

Do you ever feel that you honestly make a point through any of your answers? Or do people already have their mind made up on just about every given issue and we're giving ourselves carpal tunnel syndrome for nothing?

For example -- when people ask questions like "Is there a God?" Obviously, they already have some opinion on the subject. If they do believe, they'll choose a best answer from a fellow believer. If they don't, they'll choose one from someone who backs up the same way of thinking.

Do we ever give anyone something to think about, or are we all so wrapped up in our own ideas that we don't give the opinions of others a chance?

2007-02-06 13:33:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

I think so. Especially when you quote the Word of God. Jesus said that if we just lift Him up, He would do the drawing. So no matter what it seems to look like, have faith that God will do what He said He would. I do. That is why I am not moved by what others say on here. My God is not help hostage by public opinion. He is God all by Himself. May God Bless U.

2007-02-06 13:40:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think that people believe that they are right so much, they dont care what other people say. They care so much about their ego and pride, they want to prove they are the right one. It's the people like you, that are humble and thoughtful, that actually listen to other peoples opions. you are totally right, and i admit, i have been wrapped up in my opion so much, i dont listen to others. people just have to be open minded, and step in other people's shoes for a change....

2007-02-06 21:39:14 · answer #2 · answered by bugsandtweety 3 · 0 0

just be honest in the answers you give

and focus your concern
on your own receptiveness
to other opinions

2007-02-06 21:40:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i love these questions and really dont care of there thinking or beliefs you see this is my chance to show my loving and belief and me worshiping and to answer definately -Yes Allah do exist@!

2007-02-06 21:43:37 · answer #4 · answered by wise 5 · 0 0

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