Im totally against sexual predators and especially when young children are involved but i cant help to notice this dateline show is a form of entrapment.anybody else feel this way?
10 answers
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Society & Culture
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one guy already commited suicide because he was entrapped on this show
13:05:02 ·
update #1
this guy that commited suicide might have never tried to pick up a young girl his whole life...maybe he was led on
13:07:54 ·
update #2
Yeah, it could be.
Also...if you're 14...I kinda think you know about sex. When I was 14 I knew all guys wanted my sweet snatchola! I wasn't stupid! If some horny 50 y.o. man was talking to me, I would have known what he was after!
2007-02-06 12:55:21
answer #1
answered by wicca chicka 2
I think Its a great idea and have no problem with it at all. I think the show exposes the grim reality that there are more sexual predators out there and that it could be just about anyone then people realize or want to realize.{ENTRAPMENT}, No way not when it comes to protecting childern. Maybe these people will think twice before destroying a child's life.
2007-02-06 13:13:02
answer #2
answered by ? 2
it really is difficult to say if it really is entrapment on account that we do not see the construct as a lot as maximum of those conferences. yet you're naive to imagine that those adult adult males are doing this for the first time or it really is/ought to were the only and in hardship-free words time that they could have tried to fulfill a minor for sex. I mean come on - i'm on-line for all time and that i have not begun to discover myself talking to a 12 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous about sex. you understand - a 38 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous guy purely would not stumble accross a talk room populated via preteens and commence pleasing them in chat. If this form of stuff takes position to them it really is because they're going searching for it. you're a particular style of gullible in case you've self assurance many of the ridiculous excuses those predators supply when they have been stuck.
2016-12-03 20:02:22
answer #3
answered by ? 4
No. Entrapment doesn't apply to citizens. One citizen can't tell another citizen to do an illegal act, and then claim that they were set up. Besides, in order for it to actually be entrapment, the police would have had to tell him to do it in the first place. They chose to go to those houses thinking that they were going to meet with children, they wern't asked or even remotely told to by police officers.
2007-02-06 13:16:23
answer #4
answered by Kikyo 5
Of Course its going to be a form of entrapment its done for television. However I feel that these lowlifes deserve to be entrapped. Why do people buy mouse traps? To get rid of the vermin in your home. By supporting shows like this I hope to be somehow "buying my predator trap" to get rid of those vermin in our society.
We have gone way to PC in this world and that's why we have these wackjobs roaming the streets in the first place. We need to have some way of reeling them in and if they bite then they should be ready to get fried.
2007-02-06 13:02:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
NOpe thos bastards deserve what they get. Can you imagine those guys preying on your children. I did feel bad for only one man on there he was young about 22. And i think he was doing it simply because she said she would. I think he was just desprate and made a stupid mistake. BUt most of them know what they doing and its habit not a one time thing. SICK FUCKKS thats what i think of those people.
2007-02-06 12:56:19
answer #6
answered by fine_ass_fatty21 4
here's the know the difference between good and if you do something bad, get caught you are punished..this is my theory, someone might set a trap for you, but you dont have to fall for it do you know? especially if it's soemthing you are not supposed to do.
2007-02-06 12:56:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
yeah same cuzlittle kids could watch thay show, though theyll know what not to do on the internet!
2007-02-06 12:55:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There should be no restrictions on the law when comes to catching pedophiles.
2007-02-06 12:54:31
answer #9
answered by jim h 6
whats date line j/k no
2007-02-06 12:55:19
answer #10
answered by Joseph D 2