Many of these idol winners , after they win and after having performed good songs in the show, are thrown into the POP IDOL phenonmenon that has already given us Bad/plastic music.
Instead of being individuals, they are commercialized and become another Poppy idol that MTV can use for music videos. The quality of the music keeps sucking but what i see is that, many of the singers if it was up to them, they would be original choosing good songs, but the stupid Music Industry people create an image of them and make them sing music that is generally somethng that MTV plays.
Like that kelly clarkson...She was made into a punk kind of poppy idol , she's in mtv..Instead of singing nice music, she's giving us more MTV material. Recently also, that other idol winner(black girl who is a mother) appeared in a MTV music video dressed like a hooker. What the...?
Why is it, the show (AM Idol)has them singing good songs in the show,, but the when they become performers, they sing plastic?
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