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Many of these idol winners , after they win and after having performed good songs in the show, are thrown into the POP IDOL phenonmenon that has already given us Bad/plastic music.

Instead of being individuals, they are commercialized and become another Poppy idol that MTV can use for music videos. The quality of the music keeps sucking but what i see is that, many of the singers if it was up to them, they would be original choosing good songs, but the stupid Music Industry people create an image of them and make them sing music that is generally somethng that MTV plays.

Like that kelly clarkson...She was made into a punk kind of poppy idol , she's in mtv..Instead of singing nice music, she's giving us more MTV material. Recently also, that other idol winner(black girl who is a mother) appeared in a MTV music video dressed like a hooker. What the...?

Why is it, the show (AM Idol)has them singing good songs in the show,, but the when they become performers, they sing plastic?

2007-02-06 13:43:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

It's got to do with making money. Most of the acts you like don't make much money, I know I worked with them all.

It's about the $$$ and about being an IDOL and MArilyn Manson is not an Idol, nor is Tool, nor is STaind. They're a bunch of one hit wonders with freaks shows taht appeal to druggies and head bangers.

I was the ONLY one in my grouping of people who got DOWN on CArlos Santana for that WRETCHED album with SMOOTH from that HACK Thomas. But it go him is grammy!

That Hack Thomas is now a heavy weight contender. He went solo and left his poor band mates behind. He's did to them what Peter Cetera did to Chicago.

The fact remains that Britney and Madonna are thriving and more than surviving and Evenescense and Avril Laveign are trying hard just to keep up wtiht jones.

Kelly Clarkson would probably be stocking shelves at K-Mart or trying to get you to subscribe to Road Runner as a telemarketer if it were not for Idol.

2007-02-06 14:05:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I like Kelly Clarkson's music.

It depends on what you like, I guess.

I can't see most of the singers who sing the type of music I listen to a lot winning American Idol, though.

Can you imagine Rage Against the Machine on country night? how about Trent Reznor? Marilyn Manson? LOL

They probably wouldn't like Sting's voice.

2007-02-06 13:55:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of the final 10, Candace confirmed many times that she would be able to sing all the contestants off the point any time, any music. variety of Harry Connick Jr. doing Pajama interest with Kelli O'Hara. Kree is hard as nails yet nonetheless a candy youthful female. She has the boldness that Candice lacks and it comes throughout in all of her songs. It comes all the way down to music decision. lots as i like Candice and desire she wins, my funds's on Kree.

2016-09-28 12:54:10 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It is helping American music and proof is in the record sales. In a time when sales were so down, due to downloading -- this show has definitely turned that around.

People who support a contestant on Idol, follow thru by buying their first CD's.

It's been a PHENOMENOM!

Please join the most active group on Yahoo where you can find answers to all your burning American Idol questions and more!!


2007-02-08 06:48:41 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Granny♥ 4 · 0 0

Hurting. If someone is a good singer, they'll start from scratch and work hard to be famous and rich and talented. AM is basically handing them their careers on a silver platter, it's not fair.

2007-02-06 13:48:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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