This guy asked why christians are so mean and violent. In it he gives a long list of scripture reference. Ok so I got tottaly shocked by his genesis one so I looked it up because ive read genesis and overlooked it. He sas that Genesis 1:31 says And God saw everything that he made was good, and behold, it was very good and then also qouted and he saw the animals of the feild and how it suited their suffering. When it reality it sas and the evening and the mornign were the sixth day. Big diffrence eh?;_ylt=Arqpt7x73u8PMB4Db0uZ1TVIzKIX?qid=20060623180842AABFIZx
So in short that guy tampered with the evidence the bible gives us. Revelation 22:19 Says that this guy will suffer big time. While in the meantime I asked this question to keep fellow christians away from the trickery of the devil.
10 answers
asked by
Mr. Unknown
Religion & Spirituality