I think that we have gone way overboard with political correctness where society has gone to the complete other extreme and ignores OBVIOUS ethnic characteristics. Seems like most people don't make their own decisions but rather follow what they are taught in school, which is stereotypes are BAD and complete lies. Anyone that brings them up is ignorant and is "felt sorry for".
REALITY FLASH: different cultures/ethnic groups have social norms that aren't followed by people of different groups; therefore, these deviations of social conduct are sometimes considered undesirable by other groups. Being annoyed by some of these differences is a normal human reaction, which is now taught to be repressed.
I bartended last night at a special event and the guests were made up of exclusively jews, many immigrants from Israel. They were the cheapest (stiffing me on tips was a norm), most pushy, rudest group of people I have ever dealt with in my life. Guess I'm just ignorant ;-)
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