Jan 01 I quit smoking,by end of feb. I was depressed and anxious. Mid March I was totally dead feeling.I went to my doctor .I was given Paxil, with the sentence "If this does not work there are 20more WE CAN TRY". I took my paxil hoping I would not have to try 20 others before I felt better.
I had a reaction the first night I took it. But, wanting to feel better I took it EVERY NIGHT, I could NOT sleep after ONLY THREE days on PAXIL. DAY 3 THRU 6 I grew paranoid that something was going to happen to my family if I slept.WHAT A NIGHTMARE PRAYING TO MAKE IT TO MORNING SO THAT I might have a good reason to be awake and NoRmAl. HA! IT was the worst time of my life and I have even had a few attempts on my life that were easier to face than this drug. I finally decompensated to believing I WAS the THREAT to my FAMILY! I stayed in bed for a few nights awake praying I would NOT hurt my family. After 2 weeks I begged my husband to take me to a hospital. My diagnosis WAS MED induced psychosis.
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