I was very depressed and even somewaht suicidal when I posted initially 2 weeks ago, This forum deals with sleep disorders and I don't want to leave as I am learning more in 2 weeks than in the previous 15 years and see real hope for an assortment of related ills. I started a thread among thousands on sharing alternative treatments for various sleep disorders and it immediately got attacked by people who don't believe in alternative health
When I defended my view, it apparently exacerbated their dislike and about 5 people are being rude and started criticising my intelligence, spelling, character traits, mental health, and tons of things in a very cruel and mean way, I stuck up for myself and now they seem madder than ever in their vigilence to attack me.
I eventually told them I was very vulnerable, dealing with a lot of personal problems, crying from their posts,. and essentially begging them to stop and if they didn't
believe in natural health to please go to any of the thousands of other threads and stop harassing me or go to the 1999 other threads that don't discuss this topic if it bothers them. A few are only posting on my thread and one even is personal messaging his hateful talk.
I would like advice on what is behind this, how to get it too stop and how to get the thread back on topic. Also how to help myself not respond which I am attempting to do but it's hard and not let it get to me. I have learned more in 2 weeks on this website than in 15 years and my doctors and for the first time I feel real ho[pe I may get some of these disorders that have ruined my life for about 25 years so I don't want to leave. I feel like they are trying to chase me away and upset me though they turn it around and say they weren't bashing just before they bash or say essentially leave if you don't like it--we will continue.
Advice badly needed as it is REALLY starting to get me down.
what is with people who kick people when they are already down?
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