We have lived in our house for about 4 years, and then all of a sudden in the last month or so, these things have been popping up everywhere, seemingly overnight. They are rather big, probably like 5 inches x 5 inches or bigger. They are hard, and are attached to the ground. When I kicked them off, the inside is solid and looks dry like divinity candy or something. They are also hard to get off the ground.
We live in California, so we haven't had any rain in months, and these things are growing out in the open, under bushes..even near our completely empty patio area. Our ground is very hard right now with no rain, and there are not any recently removed tree's, etc. They are completely solid, not spongy like a mushroom would be.
I am beginning to get worried if it is some sort of mold infestation or something. I am going to try and post a link to a flickr photo of the "alien mold spore".
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