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Science & Mathematics - 3 September 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

does anyone know how to prove the curvature of a polar equation (r = F(θ))? Or do you have any websites that shows how to prove it? Really need help, tnx...

2007-09-03 03:24:40 · 1 answers · asked by Sammy Baby 1 in Mathematics

2007-09-03 03:23:29 · 4 answers · asked by Happy 1 in Weather

Help with this someone!

2007-09-03 03:21:44 · 3 answers · asked by ♥ ღAngelicaღ♥ 2 in Mathematics

2007-09-03 03:20:20 · 5 answers · asked by Panji P 1 in Astronomy & Space

Even an AP biology student should have fun with this:


I always get annoyed when people ask questions and answers that are flat-out wrong get chosen. Of course, many of the science questions are asked by students for their classes, so this is a particular problem. I'm a Ph.D biochemist who has taught both undergraduate and graduate students. Recently an answer was chosen that is so horribly wrong on just a factual level--even when not related to evolution. What's worse is that the answerer claims to be an "expert"--a medical student. I can guarantee that someone would fail freshman biology with these answers.

I thought this deserved a follow-up question since very few people read the comments following the resolution of a question.

2007-09-03 03:20:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

2007-09-03 03:19:53 · 5 answers · asked by Thoughts 1 in Astronomy & Space

if anyone hav an answer like "there are no disadvantages of metals"...then kindly dont even bother to answer because there is nothing in this world which does not have disadvantages...i want that person to answer who actually has some knowledge or is a good searcher


2007-09-03 03:19:26 · 6 answers · asked by SARA H 2 in Engineering

2007-09-03 03:18:14 · 9 answers · asked by Panji P 1 in Physics

2007-09-03 03:17:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Science

I just want to see people's solutions to the problem, but I already know the answer.

If for a certain positive real number x, cos (arctan x) = x, find the value of x^2.

2007-09-03 03:17:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

links to websites would be useful...

I also need to know about h-q characteristics of pumps-any web sites you know??

2007-09-03 03:17:03 · 7 answers · asked by I want to delete my answers account 3 in Engineering

I would guess from mountain water runoff and/or from aquifers, but a cite to a more substantial answer, something... Discovery Channel-worthy would be appreciated!

2007-09-03 03:15:27 · 2 answers · asked by trentrockport 5 in Earth Sciences & Geology

On the discovery channel et al, you often see videos of people swimming with whale sharks, the largest fish. Whale sharks are filter-feeders that feed only on plankton. But with their huge mouths, surely they occasionally swallow larger things.

What happens when they do?

2007-09-03 03:13:09 · 7 answers · asked by Phineus M 1 in Zoology

I want to check my answers... can someone please help me.

-k(squared) -(3k-5n) + 4n

k=-1 and n= -2

2007-09-03 03:11:31 · 4 answers · asked by Lx 1 in Mathematics

2007-09-03 03:10:48 · 6 answers · asked by blah. 2 in Weather

I'm curious to know what would happen.

2007-09-03 03:10:01 · 13 answers · asked by BaddaBaddaBing 2 in Astronomy & Space

the function is...

f(x)=the third root of of X-4

why is the domain all real numbers?

(i didnt know how to put it on my computer)
(instead of taking the square root, there is a 3)

please help me out!
i dont understand

2007-09-03 03:09:12 · 8 answers · asked by Michelle 3 in Mathematics

I have a University Calculus textbook and I have a question on one of the promblems of chapter 2 section 2. If you have the same textbook or are just smarter than me and know how to do this question help, please. It is number 85a. Here it is:

If limit as x goes to 2 is (f(x)-5)/(x-2)=3, find limit as f(x) goes to 2.

My question is how do you find the limit of a function with a function, f(x), in it? The book answer says 5, but I'm not sure how they got it. Thanks to anyone who answers in advance.

2007-09-03 03:09:03 · 3 answers · asked by LaurenB 3 in Mathematics

Based on the movie "back to the future" and "time machine" ,any person travelling will go to another time but still ends up on earth as usual and this makes no sense to me.As everyone knowes that the planets,solar system and galaxies are constantly moving all the time,so what are the chances that a time machine will disappear on 1963 and reappear in 2049 at the same spot and location?
I think that when a time machine disappears in one spot of the universe,that it will reappear in the same spot again.
If ever time travel is possible,then the navigator must wear a space suit because he will be far away from earth during the future or past.Remember that the planets are not always in their same position as well as the solar system.
Do you agree with my theory?

2007-09-03 03:07:52 · 6 answers · asked by thenurrse d 2 in Astronomy & Space

I need help with these chemical reactions. If you can tell the tyep of reaction, predict the products, and write a balanced equation

1. Ammonium sulfate reacts with barium nitrate
2. Zinc metal is added to a solution of copper (II) chloride
3. Propane gas (C3H8) is burned in excess oxygen
4. Dinitrogen pentoxide gas is added to distilled water

2007-09-03 03:04:41 · 1 answers · asked by dylson20 1 in Chemistry

i think its just an attempt to form a reference point....its hard for me to believe that everything in the universe sprung out of nothingness all at once like that....if there was no time or space or matter or energy or anything before the big bang then what do you call that period? why would all of this stuff just appear suddenly when there was nothing before it to serve as a catalyst? seems strange to me that science could cling to a theory so subjective......i'm not looking for the christian angle here, i'd rather get some informed physics or astronomy type answers.....and thanks!!!!

2007-09-03 03:04:06 · 11 answers · asked by ? 3 in Astronomy & Space


How does the behaviour of real gases deviate from that of ideal gas and give two properties of real gases for which van der waal's equation attempts to compensate,stating which term in the equation is responsible for the compensation.

2007-09-03 02:53:04 · 3 answers · asked by Emperor 3 in Chemistry

2007-09-03 02:49:53 · 5 answers · asked by Dolphin-Bird Lover8-88 7 in Weather

the question. solve m(dv/dt) = mg - kv^2 .. (ordinary differential eq.)

then.. a man and a parachute are falling with a speed of 173 ft/sec. when the parachute opens and the speed is reduced so as to approach the limiting value of 15 ft/sec. by air resistance proportional to the square of the speed.

show that

t = (15/2g)ln((79/94).[(v+15)/(v-15)])

i have tired thinking.. still cant show that.. :(

2007-09-03 02:49:53 · 1 answers · asked by fareez 1 in Mathematics

When the airport sends out a rescue crew, how far should this crew fly to go directly to this plane?

2007-09-03 02:45:06 · 2 answers · asked by J 1 in Physics

I'm writing a book. I'm looking for a non-poisonous natural gas that could possible be released from the ground during an earth quake. Or a non-poisonous gas that is manufactured would do as well. Thanks so much.

2007-09-03 02:34:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology


How does this expand/factor? I know there is some sort of pattern, but I forgot it.

If you can factor it, that would be great, or if you just know the factoring pattern... that would be great too! Thanks for any and all help!

2007-09-03 02:33:34 · 2 answers · asked by lovely_laura002 2 in Mathematics

2007-09-03 02:32:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

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