our knowledge and what we know about things is said to double every three years. so what we know now at that rate will have increased by 1,048,567 in 60 years. did anyone see that show on discovery about 2057? they mentioned we could download every book or movie ever made in the blink of an eye... they didnt say how we'd watch those movies that far in the future. i doubt it'll be sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. not only will the medical industry and science industry use the technolgy but so will the entertainment industry. what if we could watch movies by being in them, kind of like virtual reality? or, say, a holodeck type set up like you see in the matrix except we can leave whenever we want. what if we put in "the illusionist" and became a spectator in the crowd? or to take it a step further, what if we could be on of the characters, alternate scenes and endings would have to be put in so the movie we're experiening matches the decisions we make. so could it happen?
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