The US plans on having an occupied base on the moon by 2024 or something. Other countries were invited, and the Russians already say they want in. Besides exploring, and doing it for the sake of doing it, what is the economic incentive? Columbus & Magellan didn't go on their voyages just to go sailing. They did it for money. Oil companies don't send geologists into jungles or the artic just for fun, they do it to look for oil, so the companies can make money.
I can understand if this planned moon base is supposed to be a stepping stone to say, hypothetically, mining diamonds on Mars, or tapping Jupiter's atmosphere for rocket fuel. But is that the only reason, to use it as a stepping stone to someplace else?
Yeah, I know, the Earth is getting overpopulated, we need to spread out, and Hawking said that humans have to leave Earth to survive. But, if going to the moon was so important, corporations would be getting together to make their own base.
3 answers
asked by
Veronica Almighty
Astronomy & Space