Evolutionary theory states that higher level lifeforms evolved from lower life forms through time and genetic mutations. It is accepted that humans evolved from some lower primate.
Now here are the questions...
1) Did the different major human groups (Caucasian, Africans, Aborigine, Mongoloid, etc), evolve from the same primate line? Or different primates? In a very simplistic, and I think inaccurate way of asking this question: Did Caucasions come from one kind of monkey, black Africans from another, Aborigine's from a third and so on?
2) If the answer to the above is true, then does this mean that one people group is more highly evolved than another?
I think that if you are intellectually honest with yourself, then and you believe evolutionary teachings, then you'd have to assume that both of these statements are true. And this is why Evolutionary teachings are perfectly in tune with racism. Even Hitler used evolutionary teachings to convince his Arian nation to kill Jews.
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