Has this equation been made before?
Time is realated to distance,
If X. and Y, have different distances, X being long, Y, being short, to reach their destinations at the same time x must travel faster then then Y.
So if Yis a shorter distant then X,
Then X has to have faster movement to = the same amount of time that passes for Y.
Yreaches it destitation at a slower amount of speed. Yet at the same amount to time.
Short distance and long distance= same amount of time that passes.
Long distance must = more then speed then
short distance.
Lond ditance= Ld =x
Short distanace= Sd= Y
Same amount of time= sat
>greater then, < less then
x>s=sat =y
Example equation.
Distance X=7miles
Distance Y=4miles
Sat = 5mins
S=speed, varible.
Should I revise this some how?
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