Sorry I know i already asked a similar question earlier but I'm trying to get more input on this matter!!
My OB checked me this morning and I was 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. After he removed his hand, his glove was covered in red blood and I had lots dripping out of me. He said its probably from the cervix, as its very sensitive and has lots of blood vessels, and that I could expect to be bleeding for a few hours. Anyway tonight I passed what looked like a really big blood clot. I called and spoke with his nurse, she didn't seem overly concerned about the clot and said if I continue to bleed excessively I should go to the hospital and get checked out. Well my bleeding has diminished since then, but I'm still worried about that clot I passed (It was like 2 inches long and an inch wide.) Could that of been the mucous plug maybe?
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