So, I'm the queen of thinking I'm pregnant and testing too early. Last cycle, I did that, and got a faint positive after the time limit. The next night my hub and I had rough sex, and I spotted. The next day I started bleeding, but it was bright red, and with sharp pain, not like normal cramps. Still, it was the day AF was due so I stuck a tampon in, and went to work, but it was empty. Later i had some more blood so I stuck another one in, and it was like blood in a central location. After that I just used toilet paper, but I had maybe one day of light bleeding then a little spotting. So I'm wondering if that bleeding was not my period, and I missed my real one. My bbt temps have been low, so thats why i assumed it was my period, but my temps have been erratic this cycle, and I have had a nasty cold. I'm worried because a few days ago before my supposed ovulation date I was stupid and drank too much. Now, I can't see signs of ovulation on my chart. Should I waste more $ on a test?
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