I can't escape the fact that the direction we are heading in is one of a massively polarised society in which there are some people (and with globalisation, nations) who have financial control over material wealth, & others who do the work & yet have no control. Massively disparate levels of relative wealth in societies that call themselves committed to equality & freedom causes discontent as the gulf between principle & reality deepens. Looking at the prevalence of cheap (& in some cases free) labour for the health of global capitalism, to which there has been no challenge since the collapse of the Soviet Union, should we just have masters and unwaged slaves & simply encourage the masters to treat the slaves well and look after them? Should we, in other words, embrace the feudal society fully, as this is what we have in effect already but the disparity between the liberal ideal & the reality causes discontent rather than people simply knowing their place? What is the alternative?
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