Thank you for qualifying your question! Your question screams of prejudice, but I am glad that you are....not anti-semitic, nor anti-Israel(!)
For you and other ignorant people, the U.S. gives support to many countries around the world. We don't give support for nothing. We get a lot back, especially from Israel, which is the only true democracy in the Middle East, and a true ally of the U.S.
For those who address how much money we give Israel, you would show a great deal of fairness, even mindedness, and unbiassness if you were to address the fact that the U.S. gives tens of billions of dollars per year to Egypt, Jordan, and other Arab nations, the vast majority which are dictatorial regimes and have a substantial segment that is brewing Islamofascism and rais their children to hate America, hate Israel, hate the Western world, hate non-Muslims.
For those who believe that the extremist element in Islam is small, the numbers are staggering. There are 1.2 billion Muslims in this world. Lets take a very liberal view that only a very small percentage of Muslims are exterme, while the rest of the Muslim world is very peaceful. So if only 10% of Muslims have extreme point of views, and may be a threat, and must be dealt with, meaning dealing with 120 million Muslims! How about 1%? Then you must deal with 12 million Muslims. How about 1/10 of a percent? Then you must deal with 1.2 million Muslims. The numbers are staggering! How do you propose dealing with even the "very low" figures of 1.2 million Muslim extremists?
Israel, a small country made up of 6 million people, is a technology hub that has more patents than China, Japan, and Europe combined! Many of these advances are shared with the U.S. I am willing to bet you that you are using an Israeli invention right now.
Aside from a practical reason to help Israel, there are those who believe in the biblical importance of Israel, and maintaining a Jewish homeland as was available centuries before Muhammed wore his diapers.
There multitude of other reasons why support Israel is important, but to think that the support is given for free is absurd, and shows poor education and thinking skills.
As for your last comment, Israel would exist no matter what, as it did thousands of years ago in the Kingdom of Israel, and Kingdom of Judea, which were countries long before Muhammed rode his tricycle.
Your bias and prejudice is blinding your judgement and reality. But I've seen it before. Shameful!
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