Everyone on here seems to think that its wonderful that Madonna's African baby will "want for nothing" with her.
I assume that means designer clothes, public schools, ponies etc.
This kid HAS a family in Africa. Surely Madonna could afford to sponsor them so that they can give him a good life and allow him to stay in his own country and culutre with his own family.
Yeah he won't get designer trainers and playstations and stuff but who the HELL needs all that stupid pointless crap anyway?
Madonna's money could provide safe clean water, healthcare and education for
his village. This is what all children need - love, food, healthcare, safe place to live, clean water, education. She could give him all this (for the price of a new Louis Vitton handbag) and allow him to stay with his own family.
All the greedy designer crap her money can buy means nothing. It never made anyone happy.
Why are people so shallow that they assume money makes you a better parent?
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