You know when you meet someone and just don't like them and feel something ain't right about the person ! I would like to confirm that this person is or is not, a bank robber ! Recently, in south Florida there were a few bank robberies and when they showed photos ~ I sincerely felt that I've seen that face.... but, from where ? The more I thought about it .... it hit me looks like this guy I met two months ago. Coincidently, he has left south Florida and he was in a hurry ! I would not want to accuse someone of a crime that they did not commit although, I do want to confirm if, it was or was not him ! How do I find recent photos of all the bank robbers in Florida ? I truely feel if, it is this guy I will go to the cops and let them handle it from there ! His x girlfriend knows exactly where he is .....and he needs to be apprehended ! Where can I view photos of all the recent bank robbers in south Florida ...I wish to see if, my " hunch " is correct ! Thank you !
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asked by
Jo Jo Gunn