We've got global terrorism, lethal superbugs that can't be cured with antibiotics, we've got global warming which is already starting to show, China are testing missiles, the US want to station missiles in the Czech Republic so now the Russians are getting edgy, we've got the threat of bird flu, economic depression, rising debt, rising obesity, rising mental illness, everybody's scared, everyone hates each other because they can't make the effort to understand each other, the media totally stirs it all up to make profit, warping everyone's minds, and who else just wants to stand up and shout "STOP!" hang on for just a second. Calm down. With all the ecological and medical crises, how can anyone be bothered with war and fighting? Why are the people in power so damn unWISE and hate-filled and money grabbing and what can all the little people do about it? I mean, what the hell happened to civilisation, respect, honour, diplomacy, sorting things out and talking things through?
10 answers
asked by
Katrina W