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Current Events - August 2006

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99% of terrorist attacks from 2000 until 2006 were conducted by Muslims with Arab backgrounds. Why not single them out from the rest? People who look Arab should be singled out and searched because of their race, don't you think?

2006-08-15 09:32:32 · 12 answers · asked by skifaster6666 1

A 13 year old boy in Fallon got hit by a truck while riding his bike. Does anyone know his name? I'm worried, cuz I have friends in fallon, and yes, they are 13 year old boys....

2006-08-15 09:27:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


Arabs and the Racial Lessons of 9/11
By Carol Chehade
Special to SeeingBlack.com

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Profiled, feared, detained, assaulted, accused, interrogated, harassed, hated, and collectivized since 9-11, Arab Americans have suddenly known what it feels like to be temporarily Black. Although it is wrong to treat Arab Americans like criminals, we shouldn't be surprised when we are treated in ways African Americans have been treated for centuries. Still, many in my Arab American community are surprised when we are treated un-White. We figured that if we played by the racial rules of this country, we would be bypassed in receiving some of the bigotry that Blacks routinely receive.

Yet, that old cliché of what goes around comes around finally showed itself to be more than another cliché. The backlash we're now receiving is from the same whip we've borrowed to lash out against African Americans. Currently, the Arab American community is having a hard time trying to figure out why we've been racially demoted from ethnic house slave to ethnic field slave. I am less disappointed in how my ethnic group has been signaled out and more disappointed in how we have been pathetically courting the very White privilege that has the power to decide which group will be signaled out. We need to be completely honest as Arab Americans and ask ourselves whether or not we have been ethnic models of anti-racism. My heart tells me no. Although 9-11 represents many things to different people, one of its most interesting features is how the events after 9-11 can gauge how far we've come in understanding the disease of racism.

As I walked through diverse neighborhoods in New York City shortly after the carnage of 9-11, I noticed many non-Black people of color had aggressively decorated their homes and vehicles with American flags. The more immigrants in the area or the more the residents resembled Arabs, the more flags I saw lightly fluttering in the air. I thought to myself that it is too bad Black people can not lightly wave their flags in the air whenever members from their own race experienced problems. Unlike Arab Americans, the flag that African Americans know is so heavily drenched in blood and tears that it can never lightly flutter anywhere. Looking at how Arab Americans use flags reminds me of the Biblical story of God instructing the Hebrews to mark their doors with blood so that the wrath of God would bypass them.

Like countless immigrant communities before 9-11, many Arab Americans freely participated in covert and overt acts of racism against African Americans. This is no secret to Black people who already know that Arab Americans have the same type of superiority complex that European Americans do. This superiority complex is not only evident in the way we act toward Black people but in the way we choose to disassociate ourselves from their community. Our disassociation would not be so evident if we weren't ruthlessly trying to move up the racial hierarchy so that we can be closer to Whiteness. Unfortunately, every non-Black immigrant group has worked hard to secure a so-called respectable place above Blacks on the racial hierarchy. When groups like Italians, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, and now Arabs have faced their turn to be questioned on their allegiance to upholding the caste structure, few fully challenged the legitimacy of this racist pre-condition to be accepted as Americans.

As the Arab American community contends with the discrimination we're facing, we have been a little more sympathetic about some of the issues African Americans have always contended with, but which we did not believe until they started happening to us. Instead of seeing the bigger picture of racism by creating permanent and stronger ties with the Black community, we often use such ties as a temporary refuge, a temporary residence where we find people sensitive to our plight. I say temporary because we are not trying to stay "Black." In contrast, the only impermanent feelings we have toward Whites is that our eviction from Whiteness is nothing more than a temporary inconvenience. As long as we repay our dues by not challenging Whiteness in any real way then Whites, in exchange, will trust us again and re-induct us back into the racial position we held prior to 9-11. History has shown us that as long as we follow the formula of selling out our color to the highest bidder, then Whiteness will accept us back quicker than they will Blacks.

The proof of us using Blacks as temporary residence is exemplified in the way that we are more concerned with bigotry toward our community without facing the racism that comes from our community. If we really wanted the Black community as a permanent residence, then we'd put more effort and care to resolve our issues. An analogy is that if a man does not truly care for a woman, rarely will he take the time to explore her complexities because he knows he's only with her temporarily. Arabs have a lazy attitude in relations with Blacks because we are simply buying time in order to invest in the desired habitat of Whiteness. We become another of a long line of people who use the Black community and then discard it for something perceived as better. As a result, we invalidate our cries of discrimination by perpetuating the very thing of which we complain. Our temporary exile from Whiteness should serve as a wake-up call as to whether we want to be re-instated into a racial hierarchy that wields so much unearned power.

We look so racially arrogant when we complain to Black people about our brushes with bigotry. Stereotypes against Arab Americans have never been powerful enough to enslave us. An international event had to take place for the eyes of Whiteness to look down upon us, whereas those very eyes have been obsessively watching Blackness despite Black people having done nothing. It took the worst terrorist attack on American soil for Arab Americans to be mistreated, whereas all it took for African Americans to be mistreated was to be on American soil. If Black Africans instead Arabs had brought terrorism to our shores, there would have been a race war in this country. And judging by the way the Arab American community has treated African Americans, I don't think the majority of us would jeopardize our climb up the racial hierarchy be siding with them.

With all of the ignorance the Arab American community has been victim to, we still haven't fully learned our racial lessons due to the fact we still want our full Whiteness back. One of the most seductive privileges of Whiteness is that it allows us to blend back into the racial comfort zone where we're not constantly questioned. All non-Black people of color have been able to enjoy this, albeit conditional, racial comfort zone. Being a "minority" has less to do with what we look like and more to do with how we think. A real minority means someone who destroys the power of Whiteness. Since African Americans have done this more than any of us -often without choice- they produce more "minorities" than other ethnic group of color. Arab Americans can never be real "minorities" as long as we routinely switch racial allegiances to the side that best serves us at the moment. We change our positions with as much speed as Whiteness has in disowning those who challenge the false pretences it takes to become White. We exhibit this non-committal, part-time "minority" status whenever we want some the perceived benefits of minorities without giving up the privileges of Whiteness.

Until we can build an equal relationship with the Black community that does not position Arab Americans with the upper hand, then I will not bastardize the Black struggle by joining it with the Arab American struggle. As long as we crave the approval of Whiteness, our relationship with the Black community will be dysfunctional.

Like all wars, 9-11 brought a country together over a shared common enemy. This superficial unity will fall apart as soon as that enemy is shown its place and the only way to keep this deceptive unity going is to find another common enemy. The most returned to common enemy in our country has been Black people. Our country may have short-term affairs with other enemies such as Arabs, but as soon as these short-term affairs die out, then it always goes back to the enemy it has abused the longest. Arab Americans have a tremendous opportunity to alter this pattern by not enabling it with our consent to support the indiscretions of racial superiority. If we are to be positive additions to the United States, then we have to strengthen what makes us weak, and one of the biggest things that weaken us as a nation is racism.

2006-08-15 09:25:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are they really that stupid? Isreal destroyed their towns and villages - nothing is left. Now the Lebanese army will take control and Hezzbollah will no longer be allowed to operate as a state within a state - which means they LOST. Also - 950 muslims dead compared to 150 Israealis - who do you think won the war?

2006-08-15 09:24:22 · 12 answers · asked by skifaster6666 1

Im a 35 year old man and would always give up my seat to somebody who is pregnant, disabled or old. BUT!!!
The other day i was sitting on the tube and it was full up. A rather good looking young lady got on and stood in front of me in the gangway.
We had eye contact and as i was about to ask her if she wanted my seat she beat me and asked if she could sit as she was pregnant. "Yes of course you can" i said.
I think she asked me as everyone else hides behind a paper or pretends not to look at you. You know the type.
After i gave her the seat i stood for 2 or 3 stops but got thinking to myself that she didnt look at all pregnant. So after a while i asked her "so how long have you been pregnant then?" The reply was " about an hour"
What do you think of that?

2006-08-15 09:16:37 · 30 answers · asked by spidermike 2

i all of a sudden heard about it on the news but i wasnt sure if it started with a small bomb or something because this is getting serious.

2006-08-15 09:09:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

im broke too

2006-08-15 08:41:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I didn't know this,
I know I should refer to my "rule book"
Darn I was having such a good time too!

2006-08-15 08:37:37 · 13 answers · asked by dingydarla 3

Seriously folks, with a president that has done more signing statements then all the past presidents combined, why would he further diminish himself and cheat us out of the fruits of stem cell research when so many people agree with the research? Republicans and Democrats both mostly agree that it can, and should be done within strict moral guide lines. Also, I might be willing to buy into the Bush is pro life stand, if it weren't for the fact that, that very statement makes me laugh, Bush, pro life...yeah right.

Let the fun begin....

2006-08-15 08:06:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anathema 1

I think its religion and power............most wars are about religion or power or land.............henry the 8th may have had the right idea???...tell me what you think.......

2006-08-15 07:50:23 · 20 answers · asked by scottietiger 3

level of commitment and current situation in work field that lead to workers commitment

2006-08-15 07:35:44 · 1 answers · asked by student 1

NASA lost the original tapes to the 'moon landing'. Considering todays computing power I wonder if someone was worried that someone else could scan the tapes and figure out if the stars in the background were aligned correctly. Hmmm... What do you all think?

2006-08-15 07:35:26 · 10 answers · asked by Special Ed 5

now , the person you have to have sex is a men from iraq or iran who is 60 5'6" 300 ponds hairy and wears a trupe or what ever that thing on there heads are

2006-08-15 07:34:19 · 8 answers · asked by jamietogood 3

Do you understand how hard it is for immigrants to enter the U.S?
You can can sit here and tell me that you do not like to share your land to illegals, but our government makes it hard for them to enter. So they are pushed to be here illegally. What do you think about that?

2006-08-15 07:32:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

In your opinion what is the best city in the United States to Work and Live? I'm looking to relocate to some where new and give life a shot there.

2006-08-15 06:44:56 · 39 answers · asked by free wheelin dylan 1

Why do people vote single issue and ignore the other issues that may affect them more directly? That is why might someone vote for a candidate who supports an issue that is not going to be able to be changed while they may cut funding for a program this person needs? Why are these people so uninformed and why do they misunderstand the total issue? How can they be so ignorant? The truth is easy to find.

2006-08-15 06:43:13 · 6 answers · asked by adobeprincess 6

"it was raining very heavily,and my friend HAD to attend her younger sister's graduation..i wasnt told about it,but she asked me to go with her in my ride, my best friend is angry with me....probably cos i left her almost stranded there.....uhmm....it wasnt really me fault though....i had an appointment to meet up with,and that was the reason i left home that day anyway.....she hasnt confronted me about it...and i havent seen her since then.....do u think i should have sacrificed my date for her good?was i wrong in leaving her there?"

2006-08-15 06:40:58 · 16 answers · asked by Nif 1

Isn't there anything U.S. troops can learn from Vietnam in terms of Iraq? Isn't the Iraqi insurgents studying the Viet Cong's tactics on how to fight a successful guerilla war? Has U.S. troops in Iraq repeat the same mistakes made by the troops in Vietnam? Has U.S. troops and American people even study why the idea of a people's war in Vietnam was popular among the Vietnamese? And why the idea would still apply to Iraqis today?

2006-08-15 06:15:35 · 12 answers · asked by lisa 3


It seems they should at least make a statement. Unless they don't care about their own employees.

2006-08-15 06:04:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-15 05:24:55 · 40 answers · asked by scottietiger 3

I hear alot about the world coming to an end. I watch the news regularly and i see stuff about global warming and stuff on the internet about new stars appearing. if our world is going to end which is going to come first? global warming or a meteor?

2006-08-15 05:23:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is such a funny book.What did you think of it?

2006-08-15 05:14:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-15 05:13:35 · 26 answers · asked by TG 2

Just imagine people carrying feeder bottles in the planes and then mixing them in the planes and then exploding the planes to get what????
Can someone be so stupid to buy such stories. This is like believing:
1) WTC collapsed with complete melting of its steel by a plane fire
2) OBL having free time and media team to make a video every other minute and sneding this From Tora Bora to Washington DC via Kabul, Islamabad, Qattar etc
3) Believing that anthrax bugs flew direct, non stop to Washington DC
4) Bird Flu might get into you through mutation (Well they can become elephants through mutation too)
5) SARS really occured and killed 20 elderly people in Canda due to pneuomona!
6) Princes Di was not killed becuase of her intention to mary a Muslim
7) Bush has an IQ of 100 or more
8) Blair can do any thing but licking Bush boots
9) Pentagon released OBL tape was not fake and had no blunders
10) Zionists do not control USA Govt. press, courts, business, porno, drugs, etc. etc.

2006-08-15 04:44:29 · 9 answers · asked by pathowiz 3

I am interested in finding an official al-qaeda website in english. Surely they can't be hiding!

2006-08-15 04:41:16 · 6 answers · asked by lionellelyveld 1

I have deadline in two days. I have so many feelings to express on so many topics and I find it overwhelming to try to choose.... What is important to you? anywhere around the world. I really need a story option and i would be so grateful for your help, can you help me?

2006-08-15 04:33:59 · 6 answers · asked by Imprimis 2

2006-08-15 04:31:26 · 8 answers · asked by January P 1

Its a buyers market, the times right to support Israel in its time of need, I say help them out by buying up their beat up Lebanese scrap iron piles and give Bush the excuse to send over the next batch of Made by Yankee ingenuity.

2006-08-15 04:28:01 · 2 answers · asked by ? 4

what do think isnt that the most beautifull thing that the lebanese ppl are ready to build back whitout crying or complaint.

2006-08-15 04:26:49 · 26 answers · asked by azaab_habibi 3

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