illeagle mexicans are streaming through here all the time at alarming speed.with the exception of a few people, most mexicans here just seem to be negative.the problems include a race war with blacks(as we speak),crooked police and judicial system,pure hell trying to order food at fast food places,overcrowding, slow driving, violent, mostly non sensible thinking type people. just trouble starters.the problem mexicans have with black people in california is very ridiculous, yet blacks are shot and killed on these highways, and at swap meets ,and all for being black. but they rally in downtown LA over 250,000 deep,saying they want to be treated fair here. First of all,the majority of them there were illegal, and then once they're here, they try to change the way of life rules in the USA to they're standards, and treat everybody like crap that is not of they're race. I don't think they really care for blacks too much.whats your take on this issue?
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