I remind you that most wars are not due to resources or power, but due to injustice. Germany felt unjustly reprimanded for WWI with the sanctions placed on its economy, so it reacted aggressively and started WWII.
Now, we are in another epoc of injustice. America supports Israel unconditionally due to the jewish lobby and it's biased support is now alarmingly more apparent.
It goes against Iran and muslims states due to nuclear weapons programs or human rights violations--and then says nothing to Israel, who has broken more UN resolutions than IRAN and broken more human rights accords outside its borders than any other country.
Its this injustice...and our blind support of Israel for no reason but the lobby, that puts us in a hypocritical position, and....sets things up for the next "global confrontation'
due to this injustice..
wars always start due to
6 answers
asked by
jack d
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