RodentOfTheGOD: and where do you live that your up this late?
Degrassi3141994: does that really matter?
RodentOfTheGOD: well being 15 i would assume you should be asleep by now
Degrassi3141994: u sound like mom
Degrassi3141994: y where do u live?
RodentOfTheGOD: you know what they say about ****??
RodentOfTheGOD: new jersey
Degrassi3141994: what time is it with u
RodentOfTheGOD: 3:52
Degrassi3141994: 12:53
Degrassi3141994: over here
RodentOfTheGOD: ahh
RodentOfTheGOD: west coast ehh?
Degrassi3141994: yup
Degrassi3141994: so i aint sleeping late
RodentOfTheGOD: i'm only up cause i work night shift
Degrassi3141994: ooooooo im up.. well.......... im always up late
RodentOfTheGOD: i was when i was in college too
Degrassi3141994: im not in college
RodentOfTheGOD: i noticed
RodentOfTheGOD: oh my bad
Degrassi3141994: high school sucks
Degrassi3141994: well mine does, its an all boys school :(
Degrassi3141994: no girls to make out with :(
RodentOfTheGOD: ahh dam ouch that suxs
RodentOfTheGOD: dude
RodentOfTheGOD: i feel bad for ya dam
Degrassi3141994: :(
Degrassi3141994: my parents made me go here :(
Degrassi3141994: well, atleast i live with my sister
RodentOfTheGOD: mm
Degrassi3141994: she doesnt care for what i do
Degrassi3141994: shes always partying
RodentOfTheGOD: cool
RodentOfTheGOD: you should start doing drugs man
Degrassi3141994: my parents said to go here cuz dhs had a bad reputation in all the school
Degrassi3141994: n i dont do drugs
RodentOfTheGOD: you will trust me you will
RodentOfTheGOD: i said that for years
RodentOfTheGOD: then one day i got offered some weed
RodentOfTheGOD: and it was all down hill from there
Degrassi3141994: guess im just a big fan of breathing.........
RodentOfTheGOD: lol good one
Degrassi3141994: lol
RodentOfTheGOD: nah i did alot for along time
RodentOfTheGOD: anything you handed me i;d do
RodentOfTheGOD: but now i'm straight
Degrassi3141994: what r u tlking bout>?\
RodentOfTheGOD: huh?
Degrassi3141994: when did u stop?
RodentOfTheGOD: i didn't really stop
RodentOfTheGOD: i just set up some rules
Degrassi3141994: just once a week or???
RodentOfTheGOD: well a little more strict
RodentOfTheGOD: one drug at atime
RodentOfTheGOD: once a month
Degrassi3141994: o......
RodentOfTheGOD: and i can only drink once a week
Degrassi3141994: i dont like beer..........
RodentOfTheGOD: and there must be 36 hours between drug usauge and family getherings /work
RodentOfTheGOD: yeah i was like that for awhile
RodentOfTheGOD: i can take more liqour than i could beer
Degrassi3141994: yea........... but im always mostly home alone
RodentOfTheGOD: dam
Degrassi3141994: yeah.........
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