Capturing en passant valid today ?
An option which must be exercised as soon as the hostile Pawn advances from the second to the fourth rank. If the capture is not made in reply, it cannot be made at all.
Capturing Pawn must be on its fifth rank. A Pawn located on any other rank cannot capture en passant; impossible where it leads to exposing the King to check; for then capturing en passant becomes an illegal move.
Excerpts: F. Reinfield and Horowitz.
About six centuries ago, Pawns could move only one square on the first move, thus leading a game full of blockaded files. If the option of moving Pawns two squares at the start so that the major pieces could be developed faster, and files and diagonals opened.
It was unfair to allow a Pawn, by use of this privilege to escape capture from an opposing Pawn that had reached the fifth rank, the en passant power was agreed upon.
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pax veritas