I'm bored, so I will make an internet scavenger hunt for you.
1- Find something purple and round
2- Find something with a penguin on it
3- Find a grey sweater that costs more than $120 and less than $300
4- Find skinny jeans
5- Find a pink necklace
6- Find a red fruit
7- Find a site that talks about trampolines
8- Find argyle socks
9- Find a 3-D virtual game site
10- Find purple skinny jeans
1: NOTHING PERVERTED!!! (IF it is , I will report you)
2: I need the links!!!
3: Be creative with some of the items....
4: All of these things can be found, because i already found them....
5: Good Luck!!
6: First one to answer with all of the links, gets 'Best Answer'
Get Ready, Set, GO!!!
8 answers
asked by
Other - Games & Recreation