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Singles & Dating - 3 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Ok, I've been totally in love this girl for the past 6 months and last night I got a lil drunk, ok more than a lil, but well enough to drive.....Excuse my grammar becasue I'm still a lil messed up right now from last night,lol..Well anyways, I asked her why she won't go with me anymore and she said she was seeing another guy and that he makes her laugh.... What the hell does that mean, I mean I make her laugh too...Well usually I don't drink a lot but last night I got realllllll depressed and just sat there looking at her and wondering what on earth can I do to be with but I couldn't think of anything.....I don't want her to be freaked out about this today because i still want us to be good friends + I'll just wait till her lil phase passes and realize that I'm right for her..... What should I do?

2007-06-03 07:25:25 · 6 answers · asked by 619 1

Some good techniques to flirt with u guys.....

2007-06-03 07:22:12 · 12 answers · asked by Jenni 2

My girl and I are really going through it right now and I need to know from others if I'm at fault. Last night, my girl went to a party for her stepmother which had been planned for sometime and I was cool with that. I was even babysitting her best friends kids so she could go also. At the end of the night, the plan was for her to come back to her girlfriend's house with me. At 2 thirty in the morning, her girl comes in but my girl is not with her. She tells me that my girl was to drunk to drive and went to her mothers house to crash which was cool. I call my boy at like 3 something and he tells me that she in the club. Was I wrong for blowing up

2007-06-03 07:17:45 · 31 answers · asked by donnie 1

how to tell a boy that I really fancy him?

2007-06-03 07:14:38 · 19 answers · asked by Jenni 2

2007-06-03 07:12:21 · 7 answers · asked by Bill L 3

What i did wasn't really all that big just a misdeamenor. But still it got me 2 days in jail. The love of my life dropped me. She says she still loves me but she cant deal with me anymore. I need some way to prove to her that i changed. Oh and i have a bit of a jealousy problem. I kind of get upset when she hugs other guys and she is pissed about that to. She says theres no way i can win her back but i cant say goodbye to her. I need her so much and i tryed telling her this but she wont listen. What should i do.

2007-06-03 07:09:45 · 13 answers · asked by kbmisfit 1

I'm just wondering because I'm 17 years old and never had a gf.

2007-06-03 06:58:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-03 06:46:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-03 06:36:18 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love him, he's my classmate in language course n we're both foreigner, but i think he 'likes' my friend. 2 weeks ago we r going out together n they were both drunken...he followed her to her appartement, n i must go home all alone...I'm very sad, that was 4am, n he doesnt care bout me. then i found out, they had sex. God, my heart broken into pieces. my friend said she didnt want to meet him again...still it hurts me!!!i told her, i though she were my friend (she knows i love him so much, she's not in the same class with me n him)...n our friendship is over.
And he.....now he's very nervous around me, though he sits down beside me, we didnt talk that much. I think my face is really looks so sad. next week is the final exam, after that only God know if we can meet again. we apply in the same universitat, but who know when i can meet him again.
before that day, should i tell him that I love him, although he has already made mistake???When should i tell him?Help me people, tell me???

2007-06-03 06:26:00 · 3 answers · asked by Vivienne 4

They're always by a friend or a group of them, making it impossible for me to catch a certain girl alone. Once I do catch her alone, how can i ask her out?

2007-06-03 06:01:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend doesnt understand that a certain time of month i really dont want to do anything. i told him whats going on but he says thats not a excuse. hes been like this 4 a while. should i dump him??

2007-06-03 06:00:00 · 9 answers · asked by rockstar_bepink 2

im a women and my nipples pokes out when I'm cold and when breast are touched by a guy,but they dont become hard.do guys mind women this kind of problem?

2007-06-03 05:42:36 · 15 answers · asked by ms_pink_cutie 1

2007-06-03 05:37:40 · 14 answers · asked by tilly a 1

or a guy that is neat and organized with a job and money enough that the bills and everything can get paid? Also which is more important to you neat and organized or having money and why?

2007-06-03 05:31:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I miss having a guy around to be there me, and its like i feel i should be with someone again:( and having the comfort of a guy caring about you and supporting you is lovely, why do i feel like this?

2007-06-03 05:31:20 · 12 answers · asked by juicyx 1

2007-06-03 05:27:01 · 20 answers · asked by HB 2

Been married once got over it........ done 13 years with my ex and I cant get over it............ everyday hes in my mind. hes with someone else . Been meeting him and took my revenge my texting the new woman. Yesterday I saw him and he said "Thanks Alot" and turned away. Im so lonely and crying now WHAT CAN I DO

2007-06-03 05:26:25 · 31 answers · asked by kitten 2

Not long ago i met a guy. I had a bit of fun with him, nothing serious, and then found out he had a girlfriend. I felt terrible because of how she would feel if she found out, because she was supposedly 'so in love with him'. I then thought, it's okay, because she won't even find out and her feelings will be protected. The next day he dumped her for me (i didn't ask him he just kindof did). But I don't think she knows he cheated. Anyway, I now feel that I don't even like this guy as much as I should, but don't want to turn him away because he dumped his girlfriend for me, but at the same time i don't want to lead him on.

2007-06-03 05:23:09 · 18 answers · asked by dollothy 1

My Boyfriend is Egyptian and i am Guyanese and i wonder how do we keep our relatiionship strong when our backgrounds are so different. i need some tips.

2007-06-03 05:15:03 · 2 answers · asked by Josie 2

its just a piece of paper.. i have no clue how to like present it to her..
somehow in school..
plz help!!

2007-06-03 05:06:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok well thers this guy and hes really tall and im like average how can i get him to get the idea that i want a kiss.

last night i was like can i have a kiss and he was like where
and that could be in a nice way but like hes tall and hard to kiss him unexpectidly

2007-06-03 05:02:05 · 11 answers · asked by Flordia_Grl 1

imagine your partner in a situation where he/she can't have sex anymore. would you still love him/her?

2007-06-03 05:00:32 · 22 answers · asked by narziso23 1

so let's say you're meeting a girl for the first time...she has a very pretty face, she is nice and polite, she's funny and smart...but she has a little junk in the trunk even though she works out, goes tanning, and takes care of her self...would you be attracted to her?

2007-06-03 04:59:49 · 7 answers · asked by KellyKapowski 3

2007-06-03 04:55:37 · 8 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

When a man is attracted to a woman, is this usually a two-way thing or is it more often just in the imagination of one person? Isn't there such a thing as getting to like someone who likes you? I'd really like to hear some those of you who have experience with this. Thanks!

2007-06-03 04:49:13 · 8 answers · asked by sonia 1

2007-06-03 04:47:18 · 26 answers · asked by LORI H 1

2007-06-03 04:34:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

any advice. I really am not to young

2007-06-03 04:26:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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