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Singles & Dating - 4 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

To all the women, would it be better for me to marry a military woman or wait til i get home(im deployed in iraq) and find me a nice, girl....not military?

2006-12-04 13:19:49 · 4 answers · asked by Mr. Right 3


2006-12-04 13:19:28 · 13 answers · asked by [quarantine] 3

What exactly goes in his mind? What if you dont know the guy at all, and you barely see him around school? Does the guy at least think you're attractive? or hideous? And I mean staring at the face, not body (well I think/hope.)
By the way, what usually happens is I notice someone looking at me, then I look at that person. He does not avert his gaze.
We made eye contact about 5 seconds long twice before, and we never talked.

The other day, we were in a highly crowded hallway with 38720934723 people and he just kept on staring at me, and then I just looked at him back. I guess he finds me familiar looking.

He's 2 years older, so I don't know if I have a chance with him.

2006-12-04 13:19:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-04 13:17:44 · 19 answers · asked by ** I Broke his Heart** 1

help me out

2006-12-04 13:17:41 · 7 answers · asked by anthonyh17z 1


2006-12-04 13:16:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've got a crazy random question that I need to ask a girl: My 'crush' (if you will) Christina, told me today that I can be a bit annoying when I always walk with her to classes. Should I be crying? Or is it an irrelevant comment? I MUST KNOW BECAUSE I"M A HORMONAL TEEN

2006-12-04 13:16:09 · 30 answers · asked by BrianG 1

what do you like in girls

2006-12-04 13:15:39 · 10 answers · asked by confused emo gurl 2

I've tried to avoid having eye contacts with them at all cost...dressing decent clothes - I even wear turtle neck sweaters quite often now since the weather is getting cold. Yet I still can't live a day without at least 2 guys bothering me for my #...I already have a boyfriend that I love so I don't need any more attention from the other guys...Maybe I should yell at their face so they would leave me alone? I'm being very seriously about this question. Please serious answer only...I know many girls have experienced it quite often, would you mind sharing your strategies as in avoiding unwanted attention?

2006-12-04 13:14:01 · 11 answers · asked by Lana 1


We have been dating for 7 months and we always seem to just hang out and watch movies...what do u do after u have been dating for a while...keep in mind we are 18.

2006-12-04 13:13:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girl has a fake bikini. But thats no big deal because I really like it. She brings it out everytime we swim. And believe me... we swim. She will walk in and I will be in the pool. She will walk over to the edge of the pool and slip out of her robe. I will be in the pool flexing my muscles so that when she sees me I will be pumped up and my muscles will be swelling. My face gets red when i do this but I don't think she can tell. I am out of breath as she slides herself into the pool but thats okay. I just grab her and we swim around the pool. She is not as me at the backstroke but I just cant seem to keep up with her on other strokes. Dang that girl is fast!!! But I am all the mutts and I send so many girls the look. Once they see that look they are on FIRE!!! I mean smokin. Not that I am already not smuck. Uh huh, uh huh. Ya'll know what I am talkin bout. Bring it back to me and leave it too me. I am your flavor.

2006-12-04 13:13:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend who falls in love easily with women who want nothing more than friendship. To make matters worse, they are emotionally needy and spend hours a day asking for his help and advice. He really needs to break things off but instead tortures himself by continuing to remain in touch. I'm worried about his mental and physical health, he's stopped taking care of himself and wants to do nothing but talk and text this woman, even at the movies he's constantly typing into his phone. If Ms. Right ever shows up, I'm afraid he'll be too into talking to Ms. Wrong to ever notice.

2006-12-04 13:12:21 · 5 answers · asked by Nick N 5

My boyfriend and I have a slight age difference. I am the younger of the two. I am 15. What do you think is an appropriate age difference for young couples?

2006-12-04 13:11:34 · 8 answers · asked by white oleander 3

He plays hockey and he is from Canada

2006-12-04 13:11:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can i tell if a guy likes me? i think i'm getting some pretty good signs, but i don't know. is staring, trying to intentionally make me jealous, ignoring me, and stalking me some of the symptoms of an ex still liking me?

2006-12-04 13:09:22 · 5 answers · asked by musical_genius 3

I know this is weird, but do they look at their boobs? Do they like their boobs?

2006-12-04 13:09:07 · 14 answers · asked by ilovebasketball 2

I imagine that most of them are from the United States, where an ever-growing portion of the teenage population is OBESE - I mean BIG FAT CHICKS who wear tube tops and allow their bellies to hang out over their pants.

2006-12-04 13:07:52 · 26 answers · asked by drsteve362005 6

i deeply care of this guy and it killing that i can't stop thinking about him. i try to forget about it but u know how live is. it just put things in your live and it will give u hard time to have the things u want most.
do feel the same
u like some one who maybe don't feel the same way.
it suck

2006-12-04 13:06:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you girls like this as well.?
I have given alot of people what they all are looking for. I am a guy and I go after only girls. In fact, I snatched me one now... you know. She and me we be the cup of tea. We play pool, we go to school, we have fun, we rub it up in the sun, we started out right, she's with me tonight. But anyway, I am sorry ya'll. I just have to brag. Not even Paris could get a guy like the girl I have. I dream of wakin up with a picture of her by my bed that say," I need you and you need to find me." Go Girl!!!!! You know how to work that thing. I done spent it all on her. Not all my real cash but all of my emotional/heart cash. She gets it all babe. She doesn't even wear all that stuff that other girls wear just to say," Hey, I am a girl that you want to look at." I even tried looking at those girls and they didn't do nuttin.

2006-12-04 13:06:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everyones jealous of me, boys hit on me all the time! Everyone always stares and whistles...geesh..Its really tough..i mean come on people, I dont want to be a model, so stop asking!

2006-12-04 13:06:27 · 18 answers · asked by Manda <3 1

well ok theres this guy and he lies this other girl!!! and i give him the answers to test and i even lagh wirh him! at stuff that isnt event funny! am i hurting myself? help!!

2006-12-04 13:06:23 · 4 answers · asked by Khrissa 1

my gf says she regrets ever meeting me and that she wish we never met each other and that i wasted 11 months of her life. What should I do?

2006-12-04 13:05:41 · 11 answers · asked by slaphappy 3

So the girl will remember it..
no silly stuff....

2006-12-04 13:05:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

This girl and I have been dating for a month now and the last date we had I ended up staying the night with her...I'm just wondering, it it still too soon to ask her to be exclusive and be my girlfriend? We talk on the phone every night, see eachother 2-3 times a week and when the dates end we kiss for hours. What do you think?

2006-12-04 13:05:01 · 11 answers · asked by MichiganFan 1

Ok member how i told u bout that guy that u guys said i should ask him out ya, well i dont like him anymore and i dont think he knows that and today im not sure if he was flirting with me cause he started to mess with my desk and take my pencil and he put it up his sleeve and he kept on joking around with me and before he wouldnt talk to me so help please!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-04 13:04:47 · 12 answers · asked by jerkybabe 2

she comes home from work and bitches until she goes to sleep

2006-12-04 13:03:11 · 16 answers · asked by bj 1

i know i m an idiot cause i didnt approach her or talk to her in three years. i was too embarrassed to talk to her cause she's really beautiful....and i ....well, when i look in the mirror i see a fair skinned java man looking back at me! There were moments when i thought she gave me furtive glances in class. But i m not sure whether they really meant anything. i was one of the top students in class but i thought someone so rich and good looking wont ever really fall for me. At present time i m getting kind of...well i can't explain the feeling. i cant stop thinking about her. i dont really want to forget her and "move on". i cant concentrate on anything! i dont know what i m gonna do. Is there anything at all that i can do to calm myself down or maybe start a fresh life?

2006-12-04 13:03:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a 14 year old guy fresman....i have a huge crush on a junior. We are pretty good friends and we talk daily. She is really just a generally nice person to everyone so i cant tell if she likes me or not.. We have abig fancy formal dance on Saturday and i want to ask her to it...we have 1 class 2gether: band. Could i get some advice on how to start a conversation andultimately leading up to asking her to the danc3e....thanx, i need the help


2006-12-04 13:01:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

For TEN points and all the marbles,what is the most romantic gesture that your boyfriend / husband has ever done for you, or, what would be your dream come true of such a gesture? I am investing my five points in you, as I trust your answer here.

2006-12-04 13:01:29 · 37 answers · asked by dragunov 4

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