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Singles & Dating - 19 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I like older men my only restriction is that he shouldn't be the same age group as my dad nor should he be older! But what really , is the problem is it just "your" personal thing or society?


2006-06-19 07:34:21 · 3 answers · asked by Josianne 3

E-mail me....desperate....Not really but I need people my age...more the merrier

2006-06-19 07:33:57 · 4 answers · asked by ezdozkoz 1

Getting older(28-not too old). Tired of cheating selfish women. I know it's my fault because I've chosen the type of women I've dated. Looking for change and how to approach it.

2006-06-19 07:30:59 · 39 answers · asked by Nep 6

The majority of the people on here keep referring to their friend as a boy or a girl.
I dont think that they are mentally capable of knowing what love is like between a man and a woman that is not a relative.

2006-06-19 07:30:57 · 33 answers · asked by creskin 4

Is it the same number for men and women?

2006-06-19 07:30:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a "customer" at my job who is always very friendly. She always asks how things are and other small talk type stuff. Lately the things started to be more flirty, and I thought maybe I was imagining things. I wasn't today she asked for my number, and I said "Wait, what?" and she said she wanted to call me. I laughed it off. She knows I have an AWESOME girlfriend and I am NOT a cheater. Here's the kicker: she is married! I feel weird around her now, and I am too shy/nice to tell people off, but how can I stop this?

2006-06-19 07:27:55 · 19 answers · asked by Flight&Fight 2

2006-06-19 07:27:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, constructive comments only please - certain level of maturity required :) this is long.

In short, been having problems with my live-in B/F of 4.5 yrs. I want to preface this with the fact that outside this issue all else is peachy and we match really well/have a great time/always together/similar minded/connected, etc.

About a year ago, I found out that since we were together, he'd spend some time on myspace (hi5, friendster, name it) and had like 133 friends/chicks on it (mostly 18-20 yr olds); which all of them he claimed he never met. Of course, no mention of me or being in a LTR in his profiles.

Later I found out he asked at least one girl for lunch (she didn't jump though), and brought at least two home on different occasions (my b/f took like 200 of naked (not the artistic kind either) pics of them, but yet says he didn't hook up with either one. There was also a few of weird emails like replying to Craisglsit NSA type personals, etc, over a course of 4 years (he used to work from home before so if anything went on before 7pm, I wouldn't know).

This totally bugged me and we fought over it (i.e, I'd cry and he'd get ticked off and say "it's nothing", etc).

Tired of such crap, I left for a short vacation (alone), to clear my head, have some fun, nothing more. And that I did; met a bunch of people including some guy I kept in touch via phone/email for about 2 weeks after my trip. Nothing happened, just some flirty conversations (which was wrong on my part, but I am vindictive). I know I was wrong to even go that far.

My B/F was furious though (apparently, what was OK for him to do, was not for me) when he saw the emails, we had a falling out; made up, I stopped communication with this dude, etc.

Shortly after though, I emailed spoke with this 18 yr old chick he went after on myspace, and brought home for the so-called "photoshoot" (the last one happened 3 months ago) while I was away. She said he tried to "do"
her after a lap dance she gave, and they had a fight over that, the end.

I confront him - no drama, mind you - I'm too shocked to even cry, just calmly tell him I want out of this sh*t ASAP. He swears and begs and cries for a few hrs and makes me stay. Obviously, all his profiles come down and he promises not to ever pull any remotely similar stunts. Conveniently, at that time - he buys me the ring and we're consumed with it for a while. (He never wanted to hear about marriage or this type of stuff before). The ring goes back (we saw a better style) and he decided to postpone the purchase, which is fine with me. He is starting a new business and our *next step* is just not a priority (nor do I think it will ever be, in fairness partly due to stuff beyond his control).

Yet, somehow we work things out (or so it seemed), and we did have a great month together.

I thought I put this sh*t behind us, or rather tried to tell myself I did. Obviously not. I can't seem to get past it. Am I crazy for even trying?? Is it even possible considering our history? Yet again, there has been so many great times... I don't want to bring this up again to my b/f as he'd just probably get mad.

All that from a guy who says he loves me, and I do believe that, as he treats me so well and even lets me drive his car :) I do love him also (seriously). I'm not a prude, I can understand attraction and flirting (which he also has no problem doing in front of me), but maybe this is a bit much.

He is a good father (the man is 40, I'm 31) to his 2 teen live-away kids from prior marriage, a hard worker and a very responsible, smart, educated, articulate, charming guy. Everybody loves him, including my parents. So it's not like I ask for advice from people I know.

Here is my question; obviously he lied before, but is there any chance he may be telling the truth when he says he won't cheat/do any weird crap to jeopardize our relationship? He says it's "different now", since there was a talk of ring and possibly marriage in remote future.

I'm some whiny nagging type, btw (nor I am into babies and minivans and white fences), I like sports, I'm in awesome shape, typical attractive eastern euro girl, make my own money, can cook, no real baggage/kids/crazy family. So it ticks me off that I was treated this way (albeit behind my back). This is the first guy I genuinely cared for.

This type behavior, does that mean my b/f never wanted anything serious - since he was always willing to risk our relationship... like continuing with his sh*t after getting caught first time/lying? Thus, he'll be likely to do it again? Frankly, I'm tired of "what ifs" swirling in my head for the past few years.

He still claims he never physically cheated on me and all this bizarre crap was *to boost his ego*, *curiosity*, whatever. Is this the type of stuff to expect in any LTR? In such case, I may never want one. I am an extremely loyal person and expect nothing but the same in return.

There are good days and bad days, and I hide bad days from my B/F (or I try my best). Silly stuff triggers the worst memories lately. He is really busy with work now and I don't want to bother him with my whining again.

I did realize I need to make a decision (once and for all), when my friend was showing me some furniture website on her Myspace page (I don't have one) and I almost bit through my lip just so to fight tears back. I want to fix it but don't know how.

2006-06-19 07:25:15 · 8 answers · asked by mesvetka 1

i am naturally thin, like really thin, some think i'm anorexic, but i'm not. no matter what i do, i stay this way, and thats ok because i never need to worry about carbs and calories, and blah blah..., for you guys out there, does it matter whether girls are thin or fat, what do you prefer and why.

2006-06-19 07:24:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a hot kid that is good and smart and funny but all of the guys are tryin to steal my girls but i dont have any because they all are shy to ask me out because im too popular and im only 11 and in BMS ???? any one want to NOT be shy?

2006-06-19 07:22:04 · 9 answers · asked by David4ugirls 1

Whenever some is beautiful, you guys get bitchy and defensive. Have you ever considered the fact that beautiful people can be nice too?Why are you guys so mean to them?You guys are really judgemental, stop and talk to them, get to know them before you label the things like "stupid", "stuck-up", "cocky", "whore", "slut"... Seriously, if there is anyone here who needs to get a grip it's you guys who think like this. Whose the mean one here? Learn to judge people with their character not beauty. You guys make me mad. Why is it wrong to think of yourself as beautiful?

2006-06-19 07:18:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

he is so strong and perfect and he is really great looking, but i am not so great looking...especially in a bathing suit. How do i go to the pool with him???

2006-06-19 07:16:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

How soon is too soon to bring up the "we should both stop dating other people" conversation???? Don't want to scare him off but want to see where it can go. Or should I wait till he brings it up???

2006-06-19 07:15:55 · 16 answers · asked by SingleHotMom 2

2006-06-19 07:15:45 · 39 answers · asked by d 1

Full discription needed to win the prize.

2006-06-19 07:14:35 · 2 answers · asked by slim146000 1

She just turned twenty- one . . Seems(maybe i'm delusional) to want to fool around if not date ( or vice versa). Nice.... maybe for my ego but ... I havent been dating so that in of itself makes relations w/ her more interesting that perhaps otherwise... but the age difference suggests anythng would be brief....

2006-06-19 07:13:40 · 6 answers · asked by insightfireiron 4

I use bengay sometimes to put on sore knees and ankles. Well last night it was dark in the bedroom and I mistakenly picked up the ben-gay when i wanted the KY. Talk about OUCH!

Anyone else ever do this?

2006-06-19 07:09:54 · 8 answers · asked by whoisgod71 3

People seem so depressed when they're single, yet here I am surrrounded by all sorts of fine guys, but I'm as happy as I can ever be. Why is this so? I'm not complaining or anything, but y can't evrybody be as happy as i am when they're single?

2006-06-19 07:08:29 · 17 answers · asked by AfroSistah 2

There is this guy that i like, i dont know if he likes me, he might but i do not know. he is leaving soon, and i dont think i will see much of him. i dont know if i should tell him that i like him, or should i keep quite?

2006-06-19 07:08:07 · 5 answers · asked by ♥~Czech Chick~♥ 1

i love a gal in my neibourood for the past 2-3 yrs. actually it has been love at first sight for me. i came across her for last 4yrs or so. now i m deeply been for her but have failed to convey it to her as i fear rejection bcoz i left school in my 12th and now she is in 1st yr. how to make a aproach as i m regular to her home and we share a good frndship........ i m in agr8 prob ..... what to do as i love her and i didnt want to loose her.

2006-06-19 07:06:30 · 4 answers · asked by love_life 1

2006-06-19 07:05:51 · 51 answers · asked by sara n 2

how do i get back with my ex bf, and i broke up with him cause his cousin said he was cheating but he wasent, so i wont to go back to my ex and how do i do that?

2006-06-19 07:05:14 · 5 answers · asked by Tonya Sizemore 2

If a man is in his mid 50's, divorced for many years and children are grown, and has a good job and makes above average money, why would he choose to live in a one bedroom apartment rather than buy a small house? If he is a perpetual playboy I can understand this but for the men that say they are looking for someone to spend their life with, it just makes sense that a guy would invest in a home to share with his future wife, rather than pay rent, especially at his age. Is he cheap, not making as much as he says, or not really interested in sharing a home with someone.?

2006-06-19 07:04:57 · 9 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5

i cant be able to love again,,, maybe too hurt on my past relationship,,,

2006-06-19 07:02:34 · 15 answers · asked by l_e_a_h_02 2

My boyfriend of 2 years:
He leaves in the middle of the night and does not return home till 6am.
He leaves me with his kid so that I cant go do anything.
He has no trust in me to have any friends.
Complete control freak.
Tells me over and over that I need to get professional help. For my past problems. {Father comitted suicide}
He tells me he loves me.
He does a lot for me. But he tells me I am ungrateful. Like I dont do anything for him.
He is a slob. He cant pick up after himself or his kid.
He doesnt even know how to use the laundry or dish washer.
The problems go on and on.
To top it off he and I work completely different scheduals.
I work 8-5 he works 5pm to 2am.
We never see each other. Only on weekends.
I feel like I am a personal maid, wife, babysitter, ect.....
I dont have my own kid. I am not married.
I feel like I have to much on my plate for me to handle.
I would just like some input. Anyone ever gone through this? What was the outcome? What did you do?

2006-06-19 07:01:50 · 19 answers · asked by alainall 1

I really like this girl, but my best friend speaks bad about her and makes rude remarks, turning all my friends against her, without getting to know her like I do. I can't avoid it...it's high school. Wat do I have to do?

2006-06-19 07:01:05 · 3 answers · asked by -kev 1

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