have a bf,i met him on net.today we made 7 months since we have been together.the day before yesterday i went to his town,about 200km distance between us.my dad would kill me if he found out and his mother COMPLETELY disapproves with me and especilly with this relation.i love him very much,more than i love myself.throghout this time we got to know each other veeery well,we know almost everything abot eachother.as i went to his town,he wanted me to meet his mother for the 1st time.i was scared cause i knew what she felt abt me.i bought her flowers,i talked nice,i really thought i did a good impression and that she changed her mind.but when i got home,in my home town,he told me his mum doesn't like me at all.that i seem like an old lady next to him,cause it is a big diference between us(i am older with 1year and 3 months).she asked him to stop talking to me,cause he is too good for me.what is her pb?from the beggining she wasn't agreeing with me.but why?i'll hate myself if i loose him
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