ok, this one guy asked why i liked him.....it doesn't seem that bad to u but it is for me...this is EXACTLY* what i said....:
okay if u want me to answer that question i can.......
i like u cuz:
ur nice...except when ur playing pool, lol (that is on msn)
ur funny (most of the time)
ur a good person..i think.....
u make me smile...most of the time.....:)
i like talking to u....
and ummm yeah......
thats it..and i can't take it back at all....omgomgomg
(omg is o my god, jus 4 u who don't know)
sry spelling is bad.....
but what can i do???
just wait???
omg, im scared/nervous.....omg
(i ask the same question already, but people were confused..)
oh and yes i am a teen, under 15....and um yeah......help?
11 answers
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