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Movies - 24 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

2007-01-24 17:53:56 · 19 answers · asked by Joseph C 2

Not like I'm thinking of doing it or anything, but in films you get this idea that you can finish someone off in seconds by putting a pillow over their face. Are we really sleeping every night with such a dangerous weapon under our heads?

2007-01-24 17:50:39 · 17 answers · asked by XYZ 7

I don't know if you'll laugh at it or be terrified, I don't know this movie but watched it. Ghosts scaring people intentionally and in the last part when you shoot them they die!

2007-01-24 17:47:44 · 5 answers · asked by RCC 1

In general I need help on this info.
Okay in Superman Returns supe saves the earth by throwing the growing crystal into space (maybe into the sun). So he dies from being injured with Kryptonite and because he used all his strenght to throw the big glob into the sun. I need help on that part.
To come back to my question on top - when superman was dead what brought him back to life? Was it Superman Jr.'s kiss on his forehead?

2007-01-24 17:30:56 · 10 answers · asked by natobanato2 4

...it could be from the price, to the people. Please tell me! this is for a paper! please & thank you!

2007-01-24 17:09:41 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous

not the classics just the new ones or lesser known ones

2007-01-24 17:07:13 · 20 answers · asked by king_art_thegreat 2

like my cousin winny, erin brockovich, or the client

2007-01-24 17:06:12 · 11 answers · asked by king_art_thegreat 2

she was in a movie with Ted Shackelford ( he played her brother) western/indians kidnap her and she falls in love with her kidnapper. This is driving me nuts. It was just on. I've seen her in commercials.

2007-01-24 17:05:11 · 5 answers · asked by MRSC 1

I seem to have lost one of my onilne rentals from Blockbuster, I've looked everywhere, and will continue to look, but I'm wondering if anyone knows what will happen if I report to them that I've lost it? I know theres a place online to report just an issue, but i can't find out how much they will make me pay.

In the meantime I'm looking for it and I'm only able to rent 2 movies at a time. Has this happened to anyone? What will blockbuster do?

2007-01-24 16:59:28 · 2 answers · asked by PuFfy BrOwN RaBiT 5

for the recent movie, was Carlotta's voice edited into the movie. in other words, was the actress who you see in the movie really singing? or did she lip sing, then editiors put in some other woman's voice?


2007-01-24 16:51:38 · 3 answers · asked by kittylover61891 2

I've seen this movie several times and it is one of my favorites, but the scene towards the end where Joel and Clementine break into the house still confuses me. This is supposed to be the day they met, but Joel says he leaves when Clementine says "so go". If he left then how do they end up dating?

2007-01-24 16:51:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

In what movie was the treasure buried under a big W

NOW NO cheating, if you're a movie buff you will know this =)


2007-01-24 16:51:19 · 3 answers · asked by BoTToms UP 5

This movie I think just came out or is going to come out. And no one can see him. In the preview it shows him picking up a book in a class room and he threw it but no one could hear him. he is laying some where and he has just a little time to solve what happened to him or he'll never come back.

2007-01-24 16:46:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

LIke The Shawshank Redemption

Good movie

2007-01-24 16:36:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

About World War 1 and World War 2, in 100 years? What do you think?

2007-01-24 16:10:20 · 6 answers · asked by D.O... 3

please i am a fan and looking to buy all her films...please list films you know she has starred in to save repeat answers please read what others have wrote so that you not repeating them...

ill choose best answer on who ever types in my FAVORITE film of hers thanks...

2007-01-24 15:58:43 · 15 answers · asked by MissTee 2

2007-01-24 15:56:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom promised my sister the DVD if she won the local spelling bee, which is in late February, and I was wondering when it would be released. Thanks!!

2007-01-24 15:50:41 · 6 answers · asked by Justin B 4

http://legaldownloads.net/ has a lot of reviews. They seem really cool.

2007-01-24 15:36:21 · 1 answers · asked by iancloud2001 2

2007-01-24 15:16:04 · 39 answers · asked by Rachel 1

If you have do you know the 5 D's in Dodge ball?

2007-01-24 15:10:49 · 27 answers · asked by Wildcat 2

i am pretty confused on how they are going to make Saw 4. i heard it is in production but im just confused about the whole thing.... like who is going to be Jigsaw? im pretty sure that old dude really isnt going to come back this time and it cant be that chick.

2007-01-24 14:59:08 · 9 answers · asked by Dont get Infected 7

legal and safe please!

2007-01-24 14:58:08 · 5 answers · asked by lovin' life 3

I don't have a lot of information about it. All I remember is that there's a scene in it when they are in a movie theatre and the scene in Casablanca comes on where Ingrid Bergman says "a franc for your thoughts" and Humphrey Bogart say "in America they're only a penny". Anyone have any ideas? I don't know when it came out.

2007-01-24 14:47:57 · 2 answers · asked by Abi 6

its an animated movie, not disney, the main characters name is Nimo, i think and he rides his bed to some wierd land with wierd creatures and he finds a key to a room under the city. it's hard to describe because i saw itlike 10 years ago when i was 8. It's a dark, kind of scary animated movie although i dont think its on purpose... please help me, i need to know the name of this movie

my friends thought it was bed knobs and broom sticks but it most certainly is not

2007-01-24 14:47:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-24 14:46:04 · 8 answers · asked by JAMES R 3

Would you want filmakers to produce a "Marvel Ultimate Alliance" type of movie?
With "Ghost Rider" and "Silver Surfer" now coming to theaters film adaptation, would you agree to the idea of making a "Marvel superhero alliance" franchise? If so, which characters would you prefer to be on the movie?

Mine would be:
- Spider-man: Tobey McGuire
- Wolvie: Hugh Jackman
- Ghost Rider: Nick Cage
- Invisible Woman (Sue): Jessica Alba
- lots and lots of marvel baddies....and maybe Thor or Capt. America...

Would you think it would make an interesting (and maybe huge box-office hit) film?

2007-01-24 14:44:57 · 10 answers · asked by Hotel♥Heiress 1

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