Born on 15th Feb. 1966 at 11:15 AM. Baroda, Gujarat India. Would like to know my future, Have few issues, I demolished my current house in New Jersey and foundation wall collapsed in June 2006, now the builder, architect, land surveyor are pointing finger at each other have to sue every one would I win, loose or break even financially.
Besides this I also have problem with my 2nd marriage married for 6 years have two kids, 5 ½ & 2 1/5, wife behaving very stupid, stubborn. Always threatening me to walk out and wants to stay with her sister and her family in another state. Would 2nd marriage end in divorce and if so do I have 3rd marriage in my life?
When would all this issues be resolved and how would it be resolved, in my favor, or would I loose it.
Do I have Kalp Sarp Yog.?
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