These are short, quick excerpts of some stand up routines that I might do. Rate 1-10.
If I lived in California or Hawaii, I'd probably be a surfer. It looks really cool...sadly, I live here in Toodamncold, Wisconsin. Can't surf here. You see, in Hawaii, when they surf and fall in the water, they yell "Dude, that was RADICAL!!!" In Wisconsin, if you surf and you fall in, you yell "Dude, I need a HOSPITAL!"
As stupid as surfing in Lake Michigan sounds, I would rather do that than skateboard. If you surf and you fall, you fall into soft, smooth, non-bone breaking water. If you skateboard and you fall, your head hits the cement more than Zinadene Zidane's head hits an Italian. But I especially like that one skateboarding move where you slide down a ramped pole...grind, that's it. Because if you're a guy and you fall on that, 2 things go crunch, and they aren't your bones. It's a miracle Tony Hawk was able to have kids.
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Jokes & Riddles