Many people are totally against abortion, while others feel that there is nothing wrong with it. Some say that even if the fetus is one week or 45 weeks old it is still considered murder. Where do we draw a line? It is obvious that there will never be a right or wrong answer. Every woman should have the right to do what she wants. Whether it is abortion or not. All the myths and stereotypes of abortion seem more realistic. For example, some of those myths and stereotypes being, most abortions are from minorities and most people who have abortions are teen girls.
Every abortion that occurs has a story behind it or a reason behind it. Many of us automatically assume that the person who had the abortion is immoral without even knowing the reason for why the abortion took place in the fist place. And this brings up a series of questions. When is an abortion considered moral or immoral? What should the legal status of abortion be? Should the father have a say if one should have an abortion or not? The answer to these questions is within a person’s own mind and beliefs .As expected there are many people that are opposed to abortion. These people are better referred to as "pro-life", or essentially, they advocate the life of the baby over the woman's right to choose. Groups such as Human Life International (HLI), The Christian Coalition, and many others support the right of human life. There are several reasons why people who are pro-life do not support abortion.
A main argument is that one is killing an unborn baby, murdering an unsuspecting life, in their decision to have an abortion. Pro-life advocates feel that there are other options other than abortion. Adoption, for instance, provides an alternative to abortion. Adoption would provide the baby with, hope, a warm, loving home. There are many people that are willing to take in children, people that can't have children of their own. Pro-life supporter who are opposed to any and all killing would definitely support finding a home for a baby as opposed to terminating it.
Abortion is murder. The embryo is a person from the moment of conception. According to Shettles, "Scientists identify the first moment of human life as that instant when a sperm cell unites with an ovum or egg cell". Most pro-choice supporters do not believe the fetus is a person until the first or second trimester. Pro-choice people do not think abortion is murder because they consider the aborted fetus a mass or cells or tissue (Shettles). Abortion is the taking of innocent human life, which is wrong under virtually any circumstances. An unborn baby is more than potential life. An unborn baby is meaningful human life that should not be considered expendable. After conception, no event occurs in the development of the fetus that indicates a change in the fetus from not being human to becoming one (Foster). Human life begins with conception. Abortion is a practice that should be prohibited by law because it basically amounts to murder.
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