I am looking for a good free web host. I would liek it to have email, subdomains, and unobtrusive ads (for instance, foot banners, textlinks or no ads). I don't want to have to go through forum posting and applying, I would like a good, free web host. I have tried GeoCities (the site builder would not work), Gigahive (they stuffed me around), Bravenet (I've cnacelled my email subscription two times now and I still get email from them) and phpnet.us (used cpanel, which is just plain annoying), Google Pages (nice, but not enoguh formatting things) and Freewebs (insufficent space and too many hoops to jump through).
As you can tell, I am very picky.
I would like to avoid cpanel at all costs, because it is slow and painful. A basic web editor would be nice.
Any help people can give me would be great!
- Douglas
P.S> I know how difficult this question is, but I apologize for it!
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