When I changed lane from left to middle, met with an accident. Dont know how it happened, but when all done, a suv was stopped on right lane and my right front wheel was jammed. because of impact, i hit car on left lane in sideways collition. Who is at fault. When cop came, i told him i changed lane. So he took me as primary at fault. But based on damage, it sure looks like guy hit me from right. A witness also told cop that guy on right was speeding and rash. But i guess no body spoke when cop was talking and since i told him i changed lane, i am put at fault now, which i think is incorrect. I think guy on right try to come into middle when i already established myself from left to middle lane. I only have liability since it was old car. But I feel, i am not at fault. What should I do? How much lawyers charge? Do I have any chance? is it worth donating damaged car to write off tax?
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