up guys, i need help choosing cars, i am currently 17 , working at a sushi bar for $16.50 pre hour (been putting in work over there for almost 2 years now) , and driving a F'D up 95 camery . I was wondering if i should buy a type R. But before you tell me that it isn't right for me to get a car that has so much potential in it at such a young age, let me tell u this. if i do get it im not changing a thing to it. Keeping it STOCK and the car's true beauty with it! I ain't goana put a tranformer body kit on it to make optimus prime or megatron jealous or some ish like that. I anit goana race that much either, i've seen too many people get kill over racing, and even if i was goana race, iama race in a legit and legal place. I want this car because its a eye catcher to any ricer on the road with a 93 civic and a F'D up muffler, and plus the ladies like guys with fast cars. The insurance is goana kill me but i dont care, im a good driver with a clean record and a GREAT JOB. If anything i would be fine with having a GSR, but leaning toward type R because of the LSD tranny. And i anit worried about thief cuz they goana taste my 9mm luger, plus iama have a kill switch with gps installed.So what you guys think i should do?
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