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A friend of mine contacted me regarding this issue because I am in human resources. I don't know how to advise her...she said in 1995, she worked at a store and obtained a stolen credit card that she gave to a co worker and they ran the card up with charges. They got caught and it was a Felony 4. She never got arrested, or went to court but instead she had to go through a diversion program and the case was dimissed. She has gotten several jobs since then. She recently applied for a HR position at an insurance company and on the application, they asked if she ever went through a diversion program and to answer the question honeslty so she said yes. They said she may be asked about the charge during the interview. I looked up her name on the clerk of courts website and it is still there as theft but it says she completed a diversion program and it was dismissed. What should she say if they ask her about the details of it?

2007-12-14 02:58:02 · 7 answers · asked by chocolatebabycakes 4

I put in my 2 weeks notice at my job on 12/12/07, that would have made my last day the 26th. The office is closed on the 24th and the 25th, they are paid holidays, but I was just told today that instead I can make my last day the 21st so now I will not get paid for the holidays, can they do this?? Without actually firing me?

2007-12-14 02:06:51 · 9 answers · asked by ruth p 2

i have checked but i can only find that adults are not required breaks. im 17 and i would work more than 7 hours nonstop without so much as a 10 min break because then they would pay you for it. i'm supposed to get a 30 min lunch break but i rarely ever get it. is this legal? violate child labor laws?

2007-12-13 15:29:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been doing new job duties for 1 yr, but employer is only increaseing my hrly rate effective 9/07. Since I have been performing the job since last december, I think I should get paid since then not just from the last 3 mths. I have proof that I have been performing the duties of my new responsiblities. Can I get fired for pursuing what is rightfully mine?

2007-12-13 15:13:20 · 6 answers · asked by ladyj123 2

It was by the CEO of a small company after the principals interviewed me. I saw that he was struggling to show me something and I helped him solve the problem. At that point, he said "You're hired". They later told the recruiter that they were not interested. Is there a anything I can do?

2007-12-13 14:55:53 · 7 answers · asked by blue_eyed_soccer_player 3

I have been a dedicated employee. A situation arose at work and I was suspended pending an internal investigation. I was told that I wasn't allowed to speak to any other employee and they were all informed that they were not allowed to speak to me. No communication, not even after work. They are assuming that I violated that rule and they terminated me. I was told that this was the specific reason I was being fired. Is that legal in the state of Texas? I think I have an EEOC case. From what I have read, I have a discrimination/disparate case. I think that my HR department agrees because they offered me a severence package of $3000 plus six weeks of paychecks if I signed an agreement not to take legal action. I told them I would signed if the terms were changed to $15,000 plus 12 weeks of pay and benefits. Does anyone know if I have a leg to stand on?

2007-12-13 12:46:18 · 8 answers · asked by Nugglebug in Fort Worth 1

this company has told me for 8 weeks now that i have a job, but still have not yet hired me, there waiting on a background check. my question is why would a company lie to a person like this, isnt easier just to say the truth at this point? do you think this is some kind of practical joke? i guess my question is what are the reasons they would be doing this??

2007-12-13 04:47:22 · 7 answers · asked by lounwo32 1

A 15 year old working at mcdonalds, would the $7.25 minimum wage law still apply even though im underage? I started working last friday

2007-12-13 02:20:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know of a few types of lawyers, but I am wondering if there are more that I don't know of. So if you could just give me a list or something it would really help.

-Thanks again,

2007-12-13 02:15:55 · 6 answers · asked by Snake 2

Been looking for a job for a year now no such luck tho, but just found out he is bad mouthing me saying I yelled and screamed, which turns away any potential employers. I really think that no one will hire me because of why I quit and for the bad reference. Who is gonna hire a "hot head"? I know I need proof that he is saying untruthful remarks but no one has it documented in writing. What other reason can I put on applications and at a interview besides quit due to verbal abuse which is the truth? How do I get someone to hire me for not putting up with a bully ex boss?

2007-12-12 14:56:43 · 3 answers · asked by skidz07 1

Also is there anyway people can find out about your job history. Is there some sort of system.

2007-12-12 10:33:09 · 12 answers · asked by Old School 5

can you be payed less than a co-worker ,if you are doing the same exact job with the same job title??? seniority has no bearing on pay in this co

2007-12-12 09:54:26 · 4 answers · asked by charliet1959 1

I started working in October and my son had a severe case of pink eye, which I in turn received. I went to work not knowing I had the pink eye and when I figured it out my boss MADE me go home. This is all understood, however now I'm being written up for it. I was out for 2 days due to the pink eye, and I came in "late" (if you call 2 minutes late) on 5 occasions. My requests for my time records have been denied, and the HR women is constantly treating me unfairly. I was never given a formal "verbal" warning before I was written up, and now I'll be fired should I ever be late again. Just yesterday my son was out sick from school (they have very strict rules on illness) and I had to take him for his asthma treatments as well as get him some anti-biotics. I called in to this woman and she demanded a Dr's note for his illness. Is all of this legall? I'm at a loss, I beleive they are setting me up for constuctive termination especially because they fired my boss yesterday!

2007-12-12 05:14:01 · 9 answers · asked by Stopjudging 2

2007-12-12 04:30:48 · 6 answers · asked by answers4u 1

My question is should I give them a written notice as well?

2007-12-12 03:51:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My employer has asked me to sign a non-compete agreement that was not part of my initial hiring procedure more than a year ago. After consulting with a lawyer I decided that it was too restrictive and not worth the stock they were offering as a carrot. Now they've said I'm not eligible for promotions or bonuses that I've earned because of my refusal to sign.

Is this policy legal? Thanks!

2007-12-12 02:24:45 · 3 answers · asked by Sazerac 1

Forced Vacation

I was wondering if it’s legal for a company to shut down say for the time between Christmas and new years and to force its employees to spend vacation days for that time. Basically come January 2nd I will be back in the office and will have lost three days off of my accrued vacation days. Oh and if you don’t have any vacation days left them you lose pay.

I think it’s a crappy thing to do but I’m more interested in knowing if it’s even legal for them to do it. I live and work in Massachusetts.

2007-12-12 02:11:06 · 5 answers · asked by ithinkimnutz 2

When a company takes you on after passing interviews etc, are they obliged to give you a contract before you start the job? And, if you've been there some weeks and they still haven't given you a contract, are they breaking the law and can they then just terminate your position and get rid after 12 weeks?

2007-12-12 01:08:34 · 9 answers · asked by Angelfish 6

2007-12-12 00:47:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is the legality of a law suit against an employer (for harassment and retaliation and hostile work environment) diminish if the employee quits the job and is not fired? (Case will be in New York State).

2007-12-11 19:05:54 · 2 answers · asked by Mr P 1

My employer has said that they do not have work I can do in the office that does not involve typing or using a mouse. If this goes as far as me not being able to carry out my job and them denying me any other role, what can I do? They can't make me leave can they? After all, my injury was caused by working for them! Do they legally have to give me compensation? What action can I take to avoid getting taken advantage of?

2007-12-11 12:36:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

and how is it working there for anyone who does..

2007-12-11 11:02:33 · 5 answers · asked by brian b 1

everyone doing tommorro.
im at college and i hate but ive got a job for £10-£12. an hr.
should i stick at college or not.
my course ends in june-july 08. and im studing Law.
Please help.

2007-12-11 09:46:57 · 17 answers · asked by Katie. 1

2007-12-11 09:30:00 · 5 answers · asked by Mr. Vengeance 2

i honestly do not have anything to hide from my employer - infact im dangerously honest with everyone.
but it was a discussion that i was having with a member of staff. he said that they can put in CCTV without telling anyone. but i always thought that legally they had to tell you that you were being recorded - but didnt need to tell you where they were. can any one help with the correct answer?

2007-12-11 08:49:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was jsut wondering cuz my work has held me over our scheddual a few times up to an hour after.. im still only 17 but im not sure if i can call em on it..

2007-12-11 06:23:52 · 4 answers · asked by Alli Rae 1

I am kinda stuck between 2 career paths. I did have my mind set on dental hygiene but that program is more competative than law clerk. I just want to know which one i should go to and which one has better pay?

2007-12-11 02:28:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey I resigned my job from my employer some 4 months back, for better prospects. Now I feel that I did a mistake and want to go back, is it a good idea.


2007-12-11 01:36:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous