here's what i think. the sun isn't near as bad as what corporate america makes it to be. of course they are going to tell you laying out in the sun is bad. they make billions off of tanning lotion. their are theories and studies that the lotion itself can cause cancer. i know a lot of people are like well some people are to paranoid, but when the world is all about taking people's money it's not so hard to believe. i grew up in the country and have seen farmers that do not have any of these problems. of course the ozone layer is more screwed today but still. also people in foreign countries in areas like egypt and saudia arabia where it is very hot also and there are many desert areas, they have much lower statistics for skin cancer also. but then they have less products and harmful foods...i would be more worried about what i was eating, you see far more people that die of heart attack, obesity, and eating related problems than you do skin cancer anyways..
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