Ok, I was at the movies yesterday with all my friends and the one that was sitting next to me just told me today that she got head lice from her nieces and nephews, who got it from kids in their school. We like to talk during movies, so sometimes when we had to whisper, our heads would be really close together, I'm not sure if they were touching though. Then in one part of the movie, she got really scared so she jumps and she either put her forehead on my shoulder (where my hair was laying) or just moved over far enough where I THINK our shoulders were touching, maybe our hair too. I'm really grossed out cause I've never had anything like this before. But I'm not even sure if I have it for certain. I feel like I've been itching ever since she told me but maybe that's just my imagination. Plus she said that I'm probably safe because I wear a lot of hair product (Gel and Hairspray). I put product all over my head, but mostly near the ends. Does anyone think I might have caught head lice?
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