I have NO problem w/black people if ya pass me on the street and sneer n my direction.ucall me "Cracker","Whitey", "Redneck" & u think it's OK.But when I call u, "*****.Beaner" or "Chink" u call me racist.u say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places 2 live,U have Martin Luther King Day,u have BET.If we had WET(white entertainment television) we'd b racists.If we had a White Pride Day u'd call us racists.If we had white history month, we'd be racists.In theMillion Man March,u believedthat u were marching4ur race&rights.Ifwe marched 4 our race&rights, u'd call us racists.u rproud 2b black,brown,yellow and orange,&ur not afraid 2 announce it.But when we announceour white pride, u call us racists.You call each other "******",butwhen we call u that,u call us racists.when acop shootsa black gang member or beats upa black drug-dealer running from the law&poses asa threat 2 society,ucall him racist.IM white, im proud&u call me racist
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