My bday was last week and I turned....29 and my cousin made a joke that I have to cut my hair now. Well, not that I took her advice but I ended up geting my hair cut. My hair was to my waist and now its layered with the longest layer right at my bra strap but I have curly hair so when its curly my hair is to my shoulders. I dont know if its because she mentioned it but now, all of the sudden I look older, lol. I feel I do anyway. This haircut it so much more mature then my long hair and am wondering if any other ladies felt this way? Like once you cut your hair, did you feel you looked older?? Mature? I don't look my age, people say I look like Im 18 which is why I tired a different look, plus im expecting (11 weeks). What do you guys think? Is there any truth behind cutting your hair when you turn 29? Has anyone else done it?
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