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Philosophy - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Who will remember the human race when this frail existence comes to an end. The sun will burn itself out. The galaxy will be consumed by the giant black hole at its center. Who will remember all these souls?

2007-07-07 02:57:22 · 17 answers · asked by lostlatinlover 3

Religious institutions peddle fear and guilt and hate, politics breeds greed and deception. People turn a blind eye to the poor and sick and live in ignorant bliss. We assassinate those who speak up. We wage war to feed our lifestyle at the cost of unseen misery, out of sight out of mind or maybe just change the channel. We are programmed to be selfish consumers till the day we pay for the casket and the plot.
Our progress destroys the Earth, we are the god of all parasites but the earth is doomed anyway...fact; In 4-5 billion years the sun will go nova wiping out this entire solar system, will it even last that long. What does that matter to me? Almost nothing, what can I do?

All these things I believe are true.

But I love my life, I love my family and those close to me, I think the world is a beautiful place, and I am in awe of its beauty and give thanks to someone I don't believe in. I'm a fool because I'm hopeful for our future.

Do you believe there is any hope for humanity???

2007-07-07 02:46:44 · 13 answers · asked by Terry O 2

i mean do u think that we dream of some thing because we think of it alot?or we think in some thing because we dream by it>>what affect what?

2007-07-07 01:31:10 · 10 answers · asked by dr angel 2

2007-07-06 22:36:13 · 4 answers · asked by ibrahim a 1

just tell me what you think.

2007-07-06 22:29:13 · 9 answers · asked by jezzika 3

I am and editor of writings at world social I have helped many writers like Simon K Hartfield ,Harry Sikanisari, Roberts M Winters, Salomo V M Pundai, Crrile R Q Pihap etc. Before commending anything or point to any writer I always go to the world , on of such is Yahoo, to know the truth about what authors say..I never allow imbecilities to be written to make sensations for some cents.By doing this I hope to be a guardian of moralities which can be corrupted in so many ways.

2007-07-06 22:21:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

your thoughts on that old chestnut please?

2007-07-06 21:23:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-06 19:33:11 · 28 answers · asked by Praxis 5

2007-07-06 18:50:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-06 18:43:22 · 8 answers · asked by doggie love 3

2007-07-06 18:37:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

With anti-abortionism, fear of aging, keeping people alive as vegetables for years on end... and ultimately this overwhelmingly intense and illogical fear of death.
Everywhere on earth, in every species except for humans, life and death is a matter confronted daily. Each day is a quest to find food to maintain one's own survival, and often times that results in the necessity to claim another life. Simultaneously, one worries about their own life, and fears bigger predators. For all of the animal kingdom, this is a normal part of existence. So why is it such a big issue for humans?

And why do humans ultimately fear death at all? It seems that humans illogically fear anything that is unknown to them. It also seems that statistically, in cases where a person is fearing an unknowns simply because it is an unknown, there is most often nothing to fear at all. So then death, being the ultimate unknown, is simply feared. People so rarely consider the possibility that death is not unpleasant.

2007-07-06 18:10:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Considering that the world revolves around evolution, which is the competition of the fittest, often times even if that results in violence. Even plants kill each other. And yes, humans have "morals" (although none of us can know that animals don't because we only remember being human) but aren't all humans inherently individualistic and out for their own good? Even generosity is selfish because it makes one feel better about oneself.

So can peace even exist?

2007-07-06 18:01:19 · 12 answers · asked by arfblat 3

that is if we wanted to?

2007-07-06 17:47:47 · 3 answers · asked by someone 5

seriously, are we a fairly balanced demographic or a certain type of person that has more than a few similarities?

what do we have in common?

2007-07-06 17:46:50 · 13 answers · asked by someone 5

has anyone else noticed this?

you step in to an elevator and everyone intently focuses at the changing floor numbers, almost as though their very lives depend on it.
a stare so intense it could be the new source of energy.

why are we so scared to look around and simply smile at the person standing next to us?

i tried doing this one time, and the person looked about ready to have a heart attack!

i read somewhere, its because of the closed space that suddenly your "personal bubble" has been invaded, so you automatically feel threatened...

hmm any thoughts on this?

2007-07-06 17:45:37 · 26 answers · asked by XelchC 2

Singing, Dancing , body Lanuguage of expression can help building peace among the humans in the world?

2007-07-06 17:44:53 · 8 answers · asked by jACKSON 2

Singing, Dancing , body Lanuguage of expression can help building peace among the humans in the world?

2007-07-06 17:41:59 · 7 answers · asked by jACKSON 2

Singing, Dancing , body Lanuguage of expression can help building peace among the humans in the world?

2007-07-06 17:40:46 · 4 answers · asked by jACKSON 2

2007-07-06 17:38:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

who is so kind to get the whole world in a gift?????????????????????????????????????????

2007-07-06 17:34:56 · 6 answers · asked by P r u 3

2007-07-06 17:32:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Is one doing me wrong? Let himself look to that; his humours and his actions are his own. As for me, I am only receiving what the World-Nature wills me to receive, and acting as my own nature wills me to act."
~Marcus Aurelius

2007-07-06 17:30:05 · 5 answers · asked by ___ 5

nothing in the house but you, no furniture, nothing but you. Would you
a. think you were having a nightmare?
b think you were drugged and robbed?
c. just robbed

don't laugh at the mulitipile answers, hope that way people will really think and go with their gut reaction

2007-07-06 16:45:43 · 9 answers · asked by Magical 4

im a belevier in a higher power but not as a god, but at the same time im not saying that religious is useless.
i believe in reincarnation, karma, ghosts, and that there is no evil or good just choices and how you look at them.
SO what am I?

2007-07-06 16:24:08 · 13 answers · asked by adam s 2

I just dont understand why Doe is so special. Like why Doe?

2007-07-06 16:23:09 · 3 answers · asked by India J 1

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