This is kind of a 2-in-one question...
One of my gouramis has bitten half of the other gourami's feeler off. Will that grow back okay, or will it stay short? It was a result of a fem/fem conflict, which is resolved now. (My tiny male is in heaven!)
Will the fins of a Betta grow back to it's original beauty? I've got 3 Betta-Girls in my 55 gallon tank, and they get along okay, but my bigbully male Gourami tore up their fins horribly. (He's gone, don't worry!) One of my Betta Girls had a "broken" tail (folded over) when I bought her months ago, but now it's split badly because of him. And one of the baby Betta Girls I've got is missing about half of her tailfin... I'm hoping they heal up fine...
What do you think?
And don't tell me I was stupid for putting gouramis and multiple female bettas together... I did my research, and tried several combinations to get to this point. My tank is happy now - now that the male gourami is gone!
Thanks for your expertice.
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